Just ended Tibet-meeting on her future - As THE CHANGE is the phrase in USA and with the Politepreneur President-elect Obama, New-spirit of Tibet - holding on to her history and culture in order to move forward with CHANGE.
Incidentally global econo-politics vastly controlling the pace and future of the human-race. While reading economic crisis and bank failures in USA, I came across the following Op-Ed article.
Did Britain Just Sell Tibet?
Published: November 24, 2008
THE financial crisis is going to do more than increase unemployment, bankruptcy and homelessness. It is also likely to reshape international alignments, sometimes in ways that we would not expect.
As Western powers struggle with the huge scale of the measures needed to revive their economies, they have turned increasingly to China. Last month, for example, Gordon Brown, the British prime minister, asked China to give money to the International Monetary Fund, in return for which Beijing would expect an increase in its voting share.
Now there is speculation that a trade-off for this arrangement involved a major shift in the British position on Tibet, whose leading representatives in exile this weekend called on their leader, the Dalai Lama, to stop sending envoys to Beijing — bringing the faltering talks between China and the exiles to a standstill.
The exiles’ decision followed an announcement on Oct. 29 by David Miliband, the British foreign secretary, that after almost a century of recognizing Tibet as an autonomous entity, Britain had changed its mind. Mr. Miliband said that Britain had decided to recognize Tibet as part of the People’s Republic of China. He even apologized that Britain had not done so earlier.
Until that day, the British had described Tibet as autonomous, with China having a “special position” there. This formula did not endorse the Tibetan claim to independence. But it meant that in the British view China’s control over Tibet was limited to a condition once known as suzerainty, somewhat similar to administering a protectorate. Britain, alone among major powers, had exchanged official agreements with the Tibetan government before the Chinese takeover in 1951, so it could scarcely have said otherwise unless it was to vitiate those agreements.
After the People’s Republic of China joined the United Nations in 1971, British politicians refrained from referring to their country’s recognition of Tibet’s autonomy to avoid embarrassing Beijing. But that didn’t make it less significant. It remained the silent but enduring legal basis for 30 years of talks between the Dalai Lama and Beijing, in which the Tibetans have called only for autonomy and not independence — a position that a conference of Tibetan exiles in India reaffirmed on Saturday.
Mr. Miliband described the British position as an anachronism and a colonial legacy. It certainly emerged out of a shabby episode in colonial history, Francis Younghusband’s cavalier invasion of Tibet in 1903. But the British description of Tibet’s status in the era before the modern nation-state was more finely tuned than the versions claimed by Beijing or many exiles, and it was close to the findings of most historians.
Britain’s change of heart risks tearing up a historical record that frames the international order and could provide the basis for resolving China’s dispute with Tibet. The British government may have thought the issue of no significance to Britain’s current national interests and so did not submit it to public debate. But the decision has wider implications. India’s claim to a part of its northeast territories, for example, is largely based on the same agreements — notes exchanged during the Simla convention of 1914, which set the boundary between India and Tibet — that the British appear to have just discarded. That may seem minor to London, but it was over those same documents that a major war between India and China was fought in 1962, as well as a smaller conflict in 1987.
The British concession to China last month was buried within a public statement calling on Beijing to grant autonomy in Tibet, leading some to accuse the British government of hypocrisy. It is more worrying if it was a miscalculation. The statement was released two days before the Dalai Lama’s envoys began the eighth round of talks with Beijing on their longstanding request for greater autonomy, apparently because the British believed — or had been told — that their giveaway to Beijing would relax the atmosphere and so encourage China to make concessions to the Dalai Lama.
The result was the opposite. On Nov. 10, China issued a damning attack on the exile leader, saying his autonomy plan amounted to ethnic cleansing, disguised independence and the reintroduction of serfdom and theocracy. The only thing that China will henceforth discuss with the exiles is the Dalai Lama’s personal status, meaning roughly which luxury residence he can retire to in Beijing.
The official press in China has gleefully attributed European concessions on Tibet to the financial crisis. “Of course these European countries are at this time not collectively changing their tune because their conscience has gotten the better of them,” announced The International Herald Leader, a government-owned paper in Beijing, on Nov. 7. It added that the financial crisis “has made it impossible for them not to consider the ‘cost problem’ in continuing to ‘aid Tibetan independence’ and anger China. After all, compared to the Dalai, to as quickly as possible pull China onto Europe’s rescue boat is even more important and urgent.”
Britain’s concession could be China’s most significant achievement on Tibet since American support for Tibetan guerillas was ended before Nixon’s visit to Beijing. Including China in global decision-making is welcome, but Western powers should not rewrite history to get support in the financial crisis. It may be more than banks and failed mortgages that are sold off cheap in the rush to shore up ailing economies.
Robert Barnett, the director of the Modern Tibetan Studies Program at Columbia, is the author of “Lhasa: Streets With Memories.”
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Proud to be India
Following article is by *Dr. Ravindra Kumar,a former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Meerut in India and acrenowned Indologist.
Dr. Kumar quite informatively put the long historic advancement of India and her civilization. Though in a micro-scale on micro-time frame it seems harder to believe how the self-confidence are being eroded slowly and surely through highly crafted strategic marketing and PR tools.
It is the history that puts one in touch with one's base of confdence which in-turn helps to build integrity and honesty in one's soul.............
While there is time to connect one should and must rethink one's future should building - thing is as precious as one's sound and happy soul... All come and go but soul remain -India
Why I am Proud Being an Indian!
-Dr. Ravindra Kumar*
I am proud being an Indian. But for what reason? Is it for the simple reason that I am a creation of the Indian soil? Or, is it for the reason that the Indian soil upbrings me? Certainly not for these reasons only. Someone else can take pride in being an Indian for these reasons, but the reason of my pride is that my country, India, makes Sahishnuta [forbearance], Sahansheelta [tolerance] and Sarvabhaumik Swikriti [universal acceptance] the basis of identity of its inhabitants. Furthermore, I am proud being an Indian because Ahimsa [non-violence] in its perfect state is accepted as the supreme value in day-to-day living here.
It is evident that forbearance, tolerance and universal acceptance, along with Ahimsa, are the parts and parcels of the lives of the Indians. On the strength of these values India accorded refuge to all those who became the subject of atrocities and were oppressed in their own respective continents or countries. Without any cast, creed, colour, gender or religion-based discrimination, India adopted all those who reached to its land for the purpose of taking shelter. This is, in fact, the Indian Way, established centuries before. This is foremostly the subject of pride for me and lacs of other like minded people.
I am proud being an Indian because my country granted refuge to those Jews who became victims of atrocities of the Romans and after the destruction of their holy place of worship by them reached the Indian soil for shelter. They not only got refuse here for ever, but also the permission of earning their livelihood. Deprived of freedom in their own motherland of Iran, Zoroastrians [Parsis], the followers of Spitama Zoroaster, who conveyed the great message of monotheism, when reached India to take refuge, Indians accepted them with joy. It is a long list of such refugees. The names of several human-groups and tribes are there in that list, who attracted by the sweet-smelling of the Indian soil, reached here from time-to-time during the last four thousand years.
I am proud being an Indian because the Dravidians, the Aryans, the Shakas, the Kushanas, and the Hunas are the inhabitants of India. The Greeks, the Europeans, the Mongols [including the Moghuls], the Tatars, the Turks and the Arabs are on the Indian soil. The blood developed in all continents of the world flows in the veins of India. How pleasant combination is it that people come from all continents in India and stay here with pride? They try to convert themselves to become Indians and to follow the Way of India.
I am proud being an Indian because not only so-called high families-born great men, sages and saints have added to the honour and pride of the country, but the so-called low families-born Maharshi Valmiki, Saint Ravidas, Mahatma Kabir and Sain too have added to India’s honour; they too have contributed towards the glorification of the country. Furthermore, they have also filled their compatriots with ethical values, morality and dutifulness in great measures. Like Brahmin-class born Vashishtha or Kshatriya-class born Vishwamitra, Mahavira, Gautama Buddha and Nanak, Dravidian Rishi Tiruvallur has also added to the honour of the nation through his great message for humanity. Moreover, so-called Shudra-family born Saint Tukaram is not the least than any of his contemporary so-called high-class born saints and sages. In every age virtuous people were born to accord proper knowledge of dharma and also to convey the true message of the Indian Way. Doubtlessly, they go forward for the welfare of all-high or low, they purified the soil of the country and became the voice of India.
I am also proud being an Indian because seeds of democracy have been in existence in social, political and economic structure of the country since ancient times. The large-scaled interest of people has been in the centre at the time of taking decisions. Mutual discussion, harmony and cooperation have been the basis of implementation of decisions. India is the largest democracy of the world. Democracy builds the political structure of the country. Freedom, one of the fundamentals of democracy, is the ornament of citizens of India. Everyone has the right to speech here. In this regard India is not behind any of the democratic nations of the world. It is India that allowed Late Benazir Bhutto to present the case related to civil liberties of her compatriots on its land. It is India that provided opportunity to Asma Jahangir of Pakistan to obtain support and cooperation on the question of human rights violation in her country. It is India that accords freedom of speech to Taslima Nasrin-a social writer of Bangladesh. Whole world knows that Dalai Lama is staying in India for decades and from the Indian soil, Indians extend their support to him. Pro-democracy leader of Burma [Myanmar], Aung San Suu Kyi, who is currently under house arrest in her own country, receives people’s support in India. Hundreds of her supporters stay in India and from here they struggle for the restoration of democratic set up in their homeland.
I am also proud being an Indian because all those scholars, who influenced by cultural heritage of India reached from time-to-time to its land, got due respect and honour. Whether it was Megasthenese [350-290 B. C.], or Fa-hien, Hieun Tsang [603-664] or I-Tsing or anyone else, the Indian Way and thinking attracted them all. After accomplishing their tasks of gaining knowledge and particularly collecting valuable information of instincts of Indians, they reached back to their native countries with never forgettable memories. India proved to be the greatest centre of knowledge and spiritualism for all of them. They all accepted Hindustan to be the Jnanaguru and spiritual leader of the world.
Being an Indian my pride increases when I find that a pilgrim of the Indian Way Moghul emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar is accepted as an ideal in this country; Annie Basant is elected the President of the Indian National Congress; Mecca-born Abul Kalam Azad, in presence of stalwarts like Gandhi, Lajpat Rai, Motilal Nehru and Chitta Ranjan Das, is nominated to preside over the Congress session at the age of 35 years; Mountbatten holds the post of the Governor-General of India even after its independence from Great Britain.
Being an Indian my pride multiplies when I meet the reality of inhabitance of followers of almost all chief religious-communities of the world on India’s soil. They are secure here. They get cooperation of true followers of the Indian Way at the time of distress. It may be a question mark in any other country of the world on the existence of followers of any particular religious-community, but in India all along with their chosen faiths and beliefs are safe. Four of the major religious-communities of the world-Hindu [Vedic], Jain, Boddh and Sikh-have been established or developed in India and doubtlessly they are safe here. Four of them-Jews, Zoroastrian, Christian and Islam-have been established in Arab or the Middle-East Asia. The followers of all of them too are in the bosom of Mother India and they are also safe here. Two religious-communities-Confucian and Taoism-have been established in China and followers of both of them, along with the followers of Shintoism-a Japanese-born religious-community, have all possibilities for them in India. Moreover, the followers of newly born community of Bahais are also safe and sound in India.
Being an Indian it is also a reason of increase in my pride that centuries before human-divinity was made the basis of the principle of national and universal acceptance in India. The source of all around visible peculiarity is the human-divinity. Therefore, human beings have been accorded supreme in the creation. Everyone, no matter to what particular religious-community or class he belongs, is equally revealer of divinity. And it is the result of this very recognition that on the basis of his or her religious-community, creed, colour or class not a single human being from any part of the globe has been denied entry to this land. All got opportunities for their progress and welfare. This great and unique principle has given such an extension to the glory of India that one of my European friends, like a honey-bee, desires to take a seat on deep-rooted, juicy and prosperous tree like India. Influenced by Indian chivalry, harmony and hospitality she desires to come to this land time and again. Is it the least to add to my pride being an Indian? No, it is enough to do so. Furthermore, she is convinced by the Indian way. She praises for this way and going deep to this way rejoices and feels rich.
Thus, on the whole, I can say in brief that the reason of my pride being an Indian is the Way of India and its chief features which I have mentioned about. It is possible that many may not agree to my brief opinion about the Indian Way. In practice they may perceive something different from my views. But, the true Indian Way is the one which I have discussed about. Certainly that way is not a narrow or restricted one. That is full of comprehensiveness. That is a harmonious one. That is the nurturer of the basic culture of this country. That is devoid of any discrimination. Isolation, detachment, discrimination, fundamentalism and narrowness have no place in the true Indian Way or the vision. If someone tries to connect it with any of them, he, doubtlessly goes against this way. In other words I can say that such a one is not a true Indian. He is selfish, and in spite of hiding him in the shadow of Indianness, he does not follow its way and vision.
*Universally renowned Indologist Dr. Ravindra Kumar is a former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Meerut in India.
Dr. Kumar quite informatively put the long historic advancement of India and her civilization. Though in a micro-scale on micro-time frame it seems harder to believe how the self-confidence are being eroded slowly and surely through highly crafted strategic marketing and PR tools.
It is the history that puts one in touch with one's base of confdence which in-turn helps to build integrity and honesty in one's soul.............
While there is time to connect one should and must rethink one's future should building - thing is as precious as one's sound and happy soul... All come and go but soul remain -India
Why I am Proud Being an Indian!
-Dr. Ravindra Kumar*
I am proud being an Indian. But for what reason? Is it for the simple reason that I am a creation of the Indian soil? Or, is it for the reason that the Indian soil upbrings me? Certainly not for these reasons only. Someone else can take pride in being an Indian for these reasons, but the reason of my pride is that my country, India, makes Sahishnuta [forbearance], Sahansheelta [tolerance] and Sarvabhaumik Swikriti [universal acceptance] the basis of identity of its inhabitants. Furthermore, I am proud being an Indian because Ahimsa [non-violence] in its perfect state is accepted as the supreme value in day-to-day living here.
It is evident that forbearance, tolerance and universal acceptance, along with Ahimsa, are the parts and parcels of the lives of the Indians. On the strength of these values India accorded refuge to all those who became the subject of atrocities and were oppressed in their own respective continents or countries. Without any cast, creed, colour, gender or religion-based discrimination, India adopted all those who reached to its land for the purpose of taking shelter. This is, in fact, the Indian Way, established centuries before. This is foremostly the subject of pride for me and lacs of other like minded people.
I am proud being an Indian because my country granted refuge to those Jews who became victims of atrocities of the Romans and after the destruction of their holy place of worship by them reached the Indian soil for shelter. They not only got refuse here for ever, but also the permission of earning their livelihood. Deprived of freedom in their own motherland of Iran, Zoroastrians [Parsis], the followers of Spitama Zoroaster, who conveyed the great message of monotheism, when reached India to take refuge, Indians accepted them with joy. It is a long list of such refugees. The names of several human-groups and tribes are there in that list, who attracted by the sweet-smelling of the Indian soil, reached here from time-to-time during the last four thousand years.
I am proud being an Indian because the Dravidians, the Aryans, the Shakas, the Kushanas, and the Hunas are the inhabitants of India. The Greeks, the Europeans, the Mongols [including the Moghuls], the Tatars, the Turks and the Arabs are on the Indian soil. The blood developed in all continents of the world flows in the veins of India. How pleasant combination is it that people come from all continents in India and stay here with pride? They try to convert themselves to become Indians and to follow the Way of India.
I am proud being an Indian because not only so-called high families-born great men, sages and saints have added to the honour and pride of the country, but the so-called low families-born Maharshi Valmiki, Saint Ravidas, Mahatma Kabir and Sain too have added to India’s honour; they too have contributed towards the glorification of the country. Furthermore, they have also filled their compatriots with ethical values, morality and dutifulness in great measures. Like Brahmin-class born Vashishtha or Kshatriya-class born Vishwamitra, Mahavira, Gautama Buddha and Nanak, Dravidian Rishi Tiruvallur has also added to the honour of the nation through his great message for humanity. Moreover, so-called Shudra-family born Saint Tukaram is not the least than any of his contemporary so-called high-class born saints and sages. In every age virtuous people were born to accord proper knowledge of dharma and also to convey the true message of the Indian Way. Doubtlessly, they go forward for the welfare of all-high or low, they purified the soil of the country and became the voice of India.
I am also proud being an Indian because seeds of democracy have been in existence in social, political and economic structure of the country since ancient times. The large-scaled interest of people has been in the centre at the time of taking decisions. Mutual discussion, harmony and cooperation have been the basis of implementation of decisions. India is the largest democracy of the world. Democracy builds the political structure of the country. Freedom, one of the fundamentals of democracy, is the ornament of citizens of India. Everyone has the right to speech here. In this regard India is not behind any of the democratic nations of the world. It is India that allowed Late Benazir Bhutto to present the case related to civil liberties of her compatriots on its land. It is India that provided opportunity to Asma Jahangir of Pakistan to obtain support and cooperation on the question of human rights violation in her country. It is India that accords freedom of speech to Taslima Nasrin-a social writer of Bangladesh. Whole world knows that Dalai Lama is staying in India for decades and from the Indian soil, Indians extend their support to him. Pro-democracy leader of Burma [Myanmar], Aung San Suu Kyi, who is currently under house arrest in her own country, receives people’s support in India. Hundreds of her supporters stay in India and from here they struggle for the restoration of democratic set up in their homeland.
I am also proud being an Indian because all those scholars, who influenced by cultural heritage of India reached from time-to-time to its land, got due respect and honour. Whether it was Megasthenese [350-290 B. C.], or Fa-hien, Hieun Tsang [603-664] or I-Tsing or anyone else, the Indian Way and thinking attracted them all. After accomplishing their tasks of gaining knowledge and particularly collecting valuable information of instincts of Indians, they reached back to their native countries with never forgettable memories. India proved to be the greatest centre of knowledge and spiritualism for all of them. They all accepted Hindustan to be the Jnanaguru and spiritual leader of the world.
Being an Indian my pride increases when I find that a pilgrim of the Indian Way Moghul emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar is accepted as an ideal in this country; Annie Basant is elected the President of the Indian National Congress; Mecca-born Abul Kalam Azad, in presence of stalwarts like Gandhi, Lajpat Rai, Motilal Nehru and Chitta Ranjan Das, is nominated to preside over the Congress session at the age of 35 years; Mountbatten holds the post of the Governor-General of India even after its independence from Great Britain.
Being an Indian my pride multiplies when I meet the reality of inhabitance of followers of almost all chief religious-communities of the world on India’s soil. They are secure here. They get cooperation of true followers of the Indian Way at the time of distress. It may be a question mark in any other country of the world on the existence of followers of any particular religious-community, but in India all along with their chosen faiths and beliefs are safe. Four of the major religious-communities of the world-Hindu [Vedic], Jain, Boddh and Sikh-have been established or developed in India and doubtlessly they are safe here. Four of them-Jews, Zoroastrian, Christian and Islam-have been established in Arab or the Middle-East Asia. The followers of all of them too are in the bosom of Mother India and they are also safe here. Two religious-communities-Confucian and Taoism-have been established in China and followers of both of them, along with the followers of Shintoism-a Japanese-born religious-community, have all possibilities for them in India. Moreover, the followers of newly born community of Bahais are also safe and sound in India.
Being an Indian it is also a reason of increase in my pride that centuries before human-divinity was made the basis of the principle of national and universal acceptance in India. The source of all around visible peculiarity is the human-divinity. Therefore, human beings have been accorded supreme in the creation. Everyone, no matter to what particular religious-community or class he belongs, is equally revealer of divinity. And it is the result of this very recognition that on the basis of his or her religious-community, creed, colour or class not a single human being from any part of the globe has been denied entry to this land. All got opportunities for their progress and welfare. This great and unique principle has given such an extension to the glory of India that one of my European friends, like a honey-bee, desires to take a seat on deep-rooted, juicy and prosperous tree like India. Influenced by Indian chivalry, harmony and hospitality she desires to come to this land time and again. Is it the least to add to my pride being an Indian? No, it is enough to do so. Furthermore, she is convinced by the Indian way. She praises for this way and going deep to this way rejoices and feels rich.
Thus, on the whole, I can say in brief that the reason of my pride being an Indian is the Way of India and its chief features which I have mentioned about. It is possible that many may not agree to my brief opinion about the Indian Way. In practice they may perceive something different from my views. But, the true Indian Way is the one which I have discussed about. Certainly that way is not a narrow or restricted one. That is full of comprehensiveness. That is a harmonious one. That is the nurturer of the basic culture of this country. That is devoid of any discrimination. Isolation, detachment, discrimination, fundamentalism and narrowness have no place in the true Indian Way or the vision. If someone tries to connect it with any of them, he, doubtlessly goes against this way. In other words I can say that such a one is not a true Indian. He is selfish, and in spite of hiding him in the shadow of Indianness, he does not follow its way and vision.
*Universally renowned Indologist Dr. Ravindra Kumar is a former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Meerut in India.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Villages linked to Nalanda located
INDIA: Researchers have been able to locate 60 of the 200 villages once linked to the ancient Nalanda university where students from across Asia and even Europe studied.
The revenue collected from these villages was used by the Gupta dynasty to maintain the world-famous university which was set up by King Kumar Gupta in the 5th century AD. On any given day 10,000 students coming from as far as Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Burma (now Myanmar), Turkey and other countries studied in the residential university.
The location of the villages preceded over a year-long exercise involving scientific and comprehensive exploration of historical sites in Bihar.
The director of the Kashi Prasad Jaiswal Research Institute (KPJRI) and a noted historian Vijay Kumar Choudhary said the first-ever scientific and systematic documentation of historical sites in Bihar commenced in July 2007 with the monetary help of Bihar government.
"We have so far documented 3,500 sites from as many villages in 11 districts. Work also started in 19 other districts two months ago," Choudhary said.
He said that documentation of historical sites and antiquities in the state was unique in the country as hardly any other state had taken up such an exercise on such a comprehensive basis.
Choudhary said excavations done in the period between 1915 and 1935 had yielded a number of inscriptions which carried the names of the villages linked to the university.
He said researchers had so far explored and documented inscriptions, mounds, monuments and sculptures of Chalcolithic period, post-Gupta period (5th century AD) and Pal period (8th to 12th century AD) in the districts of Patna, Nalanda, Bhojpur, Begusarai, Samastipur, Khagaria, Vaishali, Saran, Nawada, Siwan and Gopalganj.
He said sculptures, mounds, inscriptions and images of post-Gupta and Pal periods in large quantity have been found in these 11 districts besides black and red pots and copper tools of Chalcolithic period too have been found in Nalanda and Nawada districts.
The revenue collected from these villages was used by the Gupta dynasty to maintain the world-famous university which was set up by King Kumar Gupta in the 5th century AD. On any given day 10,000 students coming from as far as Korea, Japan, China, Tibet, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Burma (now Myanmar), Turkey and other countries studied in the residential university.
The location of the villages preceded over a year-long exercise involving scientific and comprehensive exploration of historical sites in Bihar.
The director of the Kashi Prasad Jaiswal Research Institute (KPJRI) and a noted historian Vijay Kumar Choudhary said the first-ever scientific and systematic documentation of historical sites in Bihar commenced in July 2007 with the monetary help of Bihar government.
"We have so far documented 3,500 sites from as many villages in 11 districts. Work also started in 19 other districts two months ago," Choudhary said.
He said that documentation of historical sites and antiquities in the state was unique in the country as hardly any other state had taken up such an exercise on such a comprehensive basis.
Choudhary said excavations done in the period between 1915 and 1935 had yielded a number of inscriptions which carried the names of the villages linked to the university.
He said researchers had so far explored and documented inscriptions, mounds, monuments and sculptures of Chalcolithic period, post-Gupta period (5th century AD) and Pal period (8th to 12th century AD) in the districts of Patna, Nalanda, Bhojpur, Begusarai, Samastipur, Khagaria, Vaishali, Saran, Nawada, Siwan and Gopalganj.
He said sculptures, mounds, inscriptions and images of post-Gupta and Pal periods in large quantity have been found in these 11 districts besides black and red pots and copper tools of Chalcolithic period too have been found in Nalanda and Nawada districts.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Food or Poison
A lesson from India -
Thank you,
Thank you,
Monday, September 29, 2008
Has Ramdev done what Hanuman couldn’t?
Taken from Hindustan Times -
Anupam Trivedi , Hindustan Times
even the mighty Hanuman failed to locate this herb, forcing him to carry an entire mountain all the way to Lanka. But Baba Ramdev’s Pitanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar has claimed to locate the sanjeevani booti.
“We have found two plants of sanjeevani group after roaming at a height of nearly 15,000 feet in the Dronagiri hills,” Acharya Balkrishna, a key associate of Baba Ramdev told the Hindustan Times. Two ayurvedic doctors, he said, accompanied him to Donagiri.
The sanjeevani plant is well known for its medicinal properties and is mentioned in Ayurveda and other ancient texts. Balkrishna claimed sanjeevani booti is a group of medicinal plants, which includes mrit sanjeevani (Aussureau), kasturi komal (Gossipiphora), van (Pleurospermum Candollei).
“Mrit Sanjeevani is one of the rarest plants discovered by our team,” claims Balkrishna. Mrit Sanjeevani, according to Ramayan, has “resurrecting quality” and “Lakshman was brought to life because of this medicine”.
According to Ramayana, Hanuman couldn’t find sanjeevani booti and lifted the entire Dronagiri hills. However, it took just six days for the team of Acharaya to discover the booti.
Anupam Trivedi , Hindustan Times
even the mighty Hanuman failed to locate this herb, forcing him to carry an entire mountain all the way to Lanka. But Baba Ramdev’s Pitanjali Yogpeeth in Haridwar has claimed to locate the sanjeevani booti.
“We have found two plants of sanjeevani group after roaming at a height of nearly 15,000 feet in the Dronagiri hills,” Acharya Balkrishna, a key associate of Baba Ramdev told the Hindustan Times. Two ayurvedic doctors, he said, accompanied him to Donagiri.
The sanjeevani plant is well known for its medicinal properties and is mentioned in Ayurveda and other ancient texts. Balkrishna claimed sanjeevani booti is a group of medicinal plants, which includes mrit sanjeevani (Aussureau), kasturi komal (Gossipiphora), van (Pleurospermum Candollei).
“Mrit Sanjeevani is one of the rarest plants discovered by our team,” claims Balkrishna. Mrit Sanjeevani, according to Ramayan, has “resurrecting quality” and “Lakshman was brought to life because of this medicine”.
According to Ramayana, Hanuman couldn’t find sanjeevani booti and lifted the entire Dronagiri hills. However, it took just six days for the team of Acharaya to discover the booti.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Italy Pays Reparations to Libya
While many western nation went to East for market to trade their goods and services at the middle of 18th century, some nation stayed-put for long times and ruled the nation with iron hands - most of those period were extremely exploitative and savagery.
As with all nation -consciousness develop and grow to a point that multiple generation later a nation begin to recognize their wrong doing and come forward slowly with substantive compensation for the off springs of the exploitative nation.
Today Italy becomes the First to Take that STEP to LET THE WORLD KNOW that their CONSCIOUSNESS'S has reached a point of Friendship - a true friendship.
Italy Pays Reparations to Libya By JEFF ISRAELY
One of the perks of one-man rule is picking your national holidays. Libya's Col. Muammar Gaddafi has invented a few fÊtes for his North African nation since seizing power in a 1969 coup. Three years ago, during stalled negotiations with Italy over reparations for Rome's colonial rule in Libya, he added another: Oct. 7 became "Vendetta Against Italians Day."
Now, in an unprecedented act of contrition by a former European colonial power, Italy has formally apologized for its past injustices during its 30-year reign in Libya early last century, and agreed to pay $5 billion in reparations to Tripoli. Gaddafi promptly declared Aug 30 - the day the deal was inked in - Libyan-Italian Friendship Day.
Perhaps it should be called "Silvio Day." Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Gaddafi, who share a certain mix of both durability and unpredictability, signed the deal under one of Gaddafi's trademark desert tents in the coastal city of Benghazi, trading jokes and each sharing pictures of their grandchildren.
Berlusconi insists that Libya has inched back into the international community, and that the hefty dollar figure includes a large portion in investment projects that will benefit Italian companies, including a long planned major highway to link Algeria to Tunisia and Egypt. Gaddafi also announced that Italy will get preferential deals on his country's oil and gas reserves, and threw in the return of an ancient Venus statue taken to Rome during colonial times as a sign of goodwill.
Perhaps more crucially for voters at home, Berlusconi received a written assurance from Gaddafi that his country will do more to stem the tide of illegal immigrants crossing the Mediterranean from Libyan shores, most of whom wash up on Italy's shores.
But not everyone was impressed. "Gaddafi is a dictator," wrote Romano Bracalini in the L'Opinione daily. "He's strengthened politically and can claim victory. This is not a proud day for the Italian Republic."
The agreement also sets an interesting new precedent. Italy also spent time in Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia, which may now demand similar compensation.
Former colonies of other European powers may have reason to study Libya's deal. Algerian newspaper Liberte', for instance, called on French President Nicolas Sarkozy to "take heed of the Italian example." The paper L'Expression added that "genocide, torture and crimes against humanity most definitely existed in Algeria. They were the work of colonial France and its military contingent, and lasted 132 years." Le Potential, a daily in Congo, sent a similar message to the Belgium government that once reigned in that country.
Libya's deal with Italy is part of its ongoing effort to reconcile with the West. In July, it reached a final compensation deal with the families of the 270 victims of the 1988 bombing of a U.S. airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, which was blamed on Gaddafi's regime. This deal appears to have led to full normalization of diplomatic relations with Washington and an expected visit by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice later this week. Condi Day anyone? View this article on Time.com
As with all nation -consciousness develop and grow to a point that multiple generation later a nation begin to recognize their wrong doing and come forward slowly with substantive compensation for the off springs of the exploitative nation.
Today Italy becomes the First to Take that STEP to LET THE WORLD KNOW that their CONSCIOUSNESS'S has reached a point of Friendship - a true friendship.
Italy Pays Reparations to Libya By JEFF ISRAELY
One of the perks of one-man rule is picking your national holidays. Libya's Col. Muammar Gaddafi has invented a few fÊtes for his North African nation since seizing power in a 1969 coup. Three years ago, during stalled negotiations with Italy over reparations for Rome's colonial rule in Libya, he added another: Oct. 7 became "Vendetta Against Italians Day."
Now, in an unprecedented act of contrition by a former European colonial power, Italy has formally apologized for its past injustices during its 30-year reign in Libya early last century, and agreed to pay $5 billion in reparations to Tripoli. Gaddafi promptly declared Aug 30 - the day the deal was inked in - Libyan-Italian Friendship Day.
Perhaps it should be called "Silvio Day." Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and Gaddafi, who share a certain mix of both durability and unpredictability, signed the deal under one of Gaddafi's trademark desert tents in the coastal city of Benghazi, trading jokes and each sharing pictures of their grandchildren.
Berlusconi insists that Libya has inched back into the international community, and that the hefty dollar figure includes a large portion in investment projects that will benefit Italian companies, including a long planned major highway to link Algeria to Tunisia and Egypt. Gaddafi also announced that Italy will get preferential deals on his country's oil and gas reserves, and threw in the return of an ancient Venus statue taken to Rome during colonial times as a sign of goodwill.
Perhaps more crucially for voters at home, Berlusconi received a written assurance from Gaddafi that his country will do more to stem the tide of illegal immigrants crossing the Mediterranean from Libyan shores, most of whom wash up on Italy's shores.
But not everyone was impressed. "Gaddafi is a dictator," wrote Romano Bracalini in the L'Opinione daily. "He's strengthened politically and can claim victory. This is not a proud day for the Italian Republic."
The agreement also sets an interesting new precedent. Italy also spent time in Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia, which may now demand similar compensation.
Former colonies of other European powers may have reason to study Libya's deal. Algerian newspaper Liberte', for instance, called on French President Nicolas Sarkozy to "take heed of the Italian example." The paper L'Expression added that "genocide, torture and crimes against humanity most definitely existed in Algeria. They were the work of colonial France and its military contingent, and lasted 132 years." Le Potential, a daily in Congo, sent a similar message to the Belgium government that once reigned in that country.
Libya's deal with Italy is part of its ongoing effort to reconcile with the West. In July, it reached a final compensation deal with the families of the 270 victims of the 1988 bombing of a U.S. airliner over Lockerbie, Scotland, which was blamed on Gaddafi's regime. This deal appears to have led to full normalization of diplomatic relations with Washington and an expected visit by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice later this week. Condi Day anyone? View this article on Time.com
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Three Most Powerful Women in India
According to Forbe three most powerful women in India are-
Sonia Gandhi
Mayawati, and
Kiran Mazumdar-shaw
This Month Forbes announced 100 most powerful women of the world.
It is quite an impressive ensemble of personalities with extraordinary talent and skills.
Chairwoman and CEO of PepsiCo, Indri K. Nooyi came third.
Top ten on the list are:
1) Angela Merkel Chancellor Germany
2) Sheila C. Bair Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. U.S.
3) Indra K. Nooyi Chairman, chief executive, PepsiCo U.S.
4) Angela Braly Chief executive, president, WellPoint U.S.
5) Cynthia Carroll Chief executive, Anglo American U.K.
6) Irene B. Rosenfeld Chairman, chief executive, Kraft Foods U.S.
7) Condoleezza Rice Secretary of state U.S.
8) Ho Ching Chief executive, Temasek Holdings Singapore
9) Anne Lauvergeon Chief executive, Areva France
10) Anne Mulcahy Chairman, chief executive, Xerox Corp. U.S
Sonia Gandhi, Kiran Mazumdar-shaw and Mayawati also made the list as follows:
21) Sonia Gandhi President, Indian National Congress Party India
59) Mayawati Kumari Chief minister, Uttar Pradesh India
99) Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw Chairman and managing director, Biocon
for complete list please review the article (link below)
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
Sonia Gandhi
Mayawati, and
Kiran Mazumdar-shaw
This Month Forbes announced 100 most powerful women of the world.
It is quite an impressive ensemble of personalities with extraordinary talent and skills.
Chairwoman and CEO of PepsiCo, Indri K. Nooyi came third.
Top ten on the list are:
1) Angela Merkel Chancellor Germany
2) Sheila C. Bair Chairman, Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. U.S.
3) Indra K. Nooyi Chairman, chief executive, PepsiCo U.S.
4) Angela Braly Chief executive, president, WellPoint U.S.
5) Cynthia Carroll Chief executive, Anglo American U.K.
6) Irene B. Rosenfeld Chairman, chief executive, Kraft Foods U.S.
7) Condoleezza Rice Secretary of state U.S.
8) Ho Ching Chief executive, Temasek Holdings Singapore
9) Anne Lauvergeon Chief executive, Areva France
10) Anne Mulcahy Chairman, chief executive, Xerox Corp. U.S
Sonia Gandhi, Kiran Mazumdar-shaw and Mayawati also made the list as follows:
21) Sonia Gandhi President, Indian National Congress Party India
59) Mayawati Kumari Chief minister, Uttar Pradesh India
99) Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw Chairman and managing director, Biocon
for complete list please review the article (link below)
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
Friday, August 15, 2008
15th of August
Bonde Mataram!
Bharat-mata have come long way. Last hurdle was to removing the Foreign rulers from the Britain. Before that many other invaders exploited Bharat-mata's openness and kind-heart.
Each time a group of invaders/rulers/exploiters left the country they left behind their crude meanness and greed. Those crude meanness and greed we see manifest in Bharat in many forms and formats. Though we have achieve political freedom, we are far from the total freedom in Bharat as of today.
Freedom as good as one's networth is - higher the networth higher the freedom.
Bharat shares 15th of August' happiness with South Korea. While Japan feels remorse of surrendering its position - it was a human decision in part because it stopped further loss of life as a whole. - A good day for all as human. Therefore, August 15 is not just for Bharat but for the whole world to celebrate.
Thank you
California Takshila Uiversity
Bharat-mata have come long way. Last hurdle was to removing the Foreign rulers from the Britain. Before that many other invaders exploited Bharat-mata's openness and kind-heart.
Each time a group of invaders/rulers/exploiters left the country they left behind their crude meanness and greed. Those crude meanness and greed we see manifest in Bharat in many forms and formats. Though we have achieve political freedom, we are far from the total freedom in Bharat as of today.
Freedom as good as one's networth is - higher the networth higher the freedom.
Bharat shares 15th of August' happiness with South Korea. While Japan feels remorse of surrendering its position - it was a human decision in part because it stopped further loss of life as a whole. - A good day for all as human. Therefore, August 15 is not just for Bharat but for the whole world to celebrate.
Thank you
California Takshila Uiversity
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Trust restored but democracy is in judgment
Democracy – and India
What we are reading online, watching on UTUBE and local (in India) TV are not what I set-out to write on this Blog. As saying goes, if there is a smell of fish there may be a cat if not fish at all.
If one had watched and read most of the transcript of the TRUST vote (July 21-22) sessions, one would fell dejected and withdrawn from the democratic system. Here begins the danger – when a large portion of citizen forced to withdraw from a democratic system, that democracy is no longer reliable and is bound to be exploitive.
Media now has much harder job to perform – it has professional responsibilities to bring the democratic system to live by constantly creating sincere pressure to bring out the truth before the established systems get ready to make it know for public. It is the media who can bring the TRUST of the CITIZEN back to the democracy. A good democracy system is a direct reflection of the tenacity and performance of the nation’s editorial class (media of all outfits).
As Professor Oza said in his recent interview that current episode of Indian Politics put a shadow on the pride of the India – which is easy to lose and hard to restore
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
What we are reading online, watching on UTUBE and local (in India) TV are not what I set-out to write on this Blog. As saying goes, if there is a smell of fish there may be a cat if not fish at all.
If one had watched and read most of the transcript of the TRUST vote (July 21-22) sessions, one would fell dejected and withdrawn from the democratic system. Here begins the danger – when a large portion of citizen forced to withdraw from a democratic system, that democracy is no longer reliable and is bound to be exploitive.
Media now has much harder job to perform – it has professional responsibilities to bring the democratic system to live by constantly creating sincere pressure to bring out the truth before the established systems get ready to make it know for public. It is the media who can bring the TRUST of the CITIZEN back to the democracy. A good democracy system is a direct reflection of the tenacity and performance of the nation’s editorial class (media of all outfits).
As Professor Oza said in his recent interview that current episode of Indian Politics put a shadow on the pride of the India – which is easy to lose and hard to restore
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
Sunday, July 13, 2008
India - some Facts
Following article is written by Stephen Knapp and also available at
He writes -
While traveling and giving lectures in India last winter (December, 2002), a few questions that were presented to me was how America seems to be so progressive, as if it is the Americans themselves and their lifestyle that should be followed. However, I pointed out that it is the inter-cultural contribution that makes the progress in America possible, including those made by Indians. The following includes a few of the points I made in answer to such questions.
1. Who is the co-founder of Sun Microsystems? Vinod Khosla. The Sun founder also had an Indian Professor in Computer Technologies at Louisiana State University.
2. Who is the creator of the Pentium chip (needs no introduction as 90% of the today's computers run on it)? Vinod Dham.
3. Who is the third richest man in the world? According to the latest report on Fortune Magazine, it is AZIM PREMJI, who is the CEO of Wipro Industries. The Sultan of Brunei is at 6th position now.
4. Who is the founder and creator of Hotmail (Hotmail is world's No.1 web based email program)? Sabeer Bhatia.
5. Who is the president of AT & T-Bell Labs (AT &T-Bell Labs is the creator of program languages such as C, C++, and Unix to name a few)? Arun Netravalli.
6. Who is the GM of Hewlett Packard? Rajiv Gupta.
7. Who is the new MTD (Microsoft Testing Director) of Windows 2000, responsible to iron out all initial problems? Sanjay Tejwrika.
8. Who are the Chief Executives of CitiBank, Mckensey & Stanchart? Victor Menezes, Rajat Gupta, and Rana Talwar. Indians are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups in America, even faring better than the Caucasians and natives. There are 3.22 million Indians in USA (1.5% of population).
9. Furthermore, the Consul General in New York, Mr. Pramathesh Rath has said that India (as of 2002) is the largest source of international students accounting for more than 11 percent or 67,000 of the over half-million studying in various universities in the U.S. In this case, Indian students for the first time outnumbered the hitherto largest source of international students, which was China.
For the period of 2002-03, Indian students remain number 1 in U.S. university enrollments, totaling 74,603, up from the previous year. This accounts for a good 13% of the 586,323 international students. This means the Indian student population in the U.S. has doubled in the last 7 years. The U.S. authorities also appreciate this since it brings in large sums of money for the U.S. economy. It also allows the Indian talent to contribute to the U.S., as well as brings home to India a work force with cutting edge skills.
10. Indian doctors, numbering more than 35,000, constitute over five percent of all physicians in America.
11. Indians constitute ten percent of all medical students in America.
12. Indians also own nearly 40% of all the small and mid-size hotels in the country.
13. Another point is that three-fourths of all graduates from the prestigious IIT university in India are in the U.S.
14. Let's not forget that it was such spiritual visionaries as Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Vivekananda, and others who first brought notice of the true glories of Indian Vedic philosophy to the American public, and helped change the public's view of spirituality, popularize the vegetarian diet and yoga, and make "Hare Krishna" a household word.
Additional facts were recently published in a German magazine, which deals with
1. India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history.
2. India invented the numerical system. Aryabhatta invented 'zero.'
3. The world's first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC. More than 10,500 students
from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
4. According to the Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software.
5. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans.
6. Although western media portrays modern images of India as poverty stricken and underdeveloped through political corruption, India was once the richest empire on earth.
7. The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 5000 years ago. The very word "Navigation" is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH.
8. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is now known as the Pythagorean Theorem. British scholars have last year (1999) officially published that Budhayan's works date back to the 6th Century, which is long before the European mathematicians.
9. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 1053.
10. According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds to the world.
11. USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion amongst academics that the pioneer of wireless communication was Professor Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi.
12. The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.
13. Chess was invented in India.
14. Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted surgeries like cesareans, cataract, fractures and urinary stones. Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient India.
15. When many cultures in the world were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization).
16. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India dating back to at least 100 BC.To elaborate on these points:
A similar article to the one above was originally sent into the Indian Express newspaper, June 22, 1999, by Maxwell Pareira, and reproduced in the Annual Research Journal - 2000, by the Institute for Rewriting Indian (and World) History, which follows.
Some may dispute the facts, like, "India never invaded any country in the last 10,000 years of her history." But when many cultures were nomadic forest dwellers over 5,000 years ago, India established the Harappan culture in the Indus Valley.
The world's first university, established in Takshila in 700 BC, had 10,500 students from all over the world studying more than 60 subjects. The large university at Nalanda, dating from the 4th century BC, is acknowledged as one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education. And Sanskrit, through Latin, is accepted as the mother of all European languages. A 1987 report in Forbes magazine said Sanskrit was the most suitable language for computer software.
India contributed to the number system by the numeral 0, innovated by Aryabhatta. Algebra, trigonometry, and calculus originated in India. The quadratic equation was solved by Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The Greeks and Romans contented themselves with rather small numbers, while Hindus (the then inhabitants of the land of Sapta-Sindhu) used units as big as 10 raised to the power of 53 with specific names as early as 5,000 BC, during the Vedic period. Today, the largest unit in use is tera, or 10 to the power of 12.
The solar year was calculated as 365.25875684 days by Bhaskaracharya in the 5th century, hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. The value of pi was first calculated by Bodhayana, who also discovered the Pythagorean Theorem in the 6th century, long before the European mathematicians. The place value system and the decimal system were developed in India in 100 BC. [Further research has placed the dates mentioned in this paragraph as actually being much earlier for some of these inventions, as explained in Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence.]
Ayurveda is the oldest school of medicine codified by Charaka 2,500 years ago. Sushruta, the father of surgery, conducted complicated procedures dealing with cataracts, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones, plastic surgery, caesarean section and brain surgery 2,600 years ago. Over 125 surgical instruments were in use. The use of anesthesia was also known in ancient India.
A century-old suspicion that the pioneer of wireless communication was Prof. Jagadish Bose and not Marconi now stands proven. And Nature has reported that a Danish physicist and his team in the US have slowed down light from the speed of 300,000 km per second to 71 km per hour, using the Bose Einstein Condensate to stall it in its path. And the forensic use of fingerprints was discovered and developed in Calcutta.
The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 6,000 years ago. The very word "navigation" is derived from the Sanskrit naugatih. Although modern images of India show poverty and underdevelopment, it was the richest country on earth until the arrival of the British.
Christopher Columbus was attracted by India's wealth. According to the Gemological Institute of America, until 1896 India was the world's only source of diamonds. Furthermore, the earliest dam for irrigation was built in Saurashta. According to the Saka King Rudradaman I, a beautiful lake called Sudarshana was constructed on the hills of Raivataka in Chandragupta Maurya's time.
In regard to games, there is no doubt that the game of chess is an Indian invention in the form of Shatranj or Astha Pada. Polo originated in Manipur. The first man on Everest was Tenzing Norgay, not Sir Edmond Hillary.
Some additional facts about India are the following:
1. The number of companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, at more than 6,000, is second only to NYSE.
2. Four out of 10 Silicon Valley startups are run by Indians.
3. With 800 movies per year, India's film industry overshadows Hollywood.
4. The organized lottery market in India is US$7bn (2% of GDP).
5. India consumes a fifth of the world's gold output.
6. Indians account for 45% of H1-B visas issued by the US every year.
7. Growing at 6%, in 25 years Indian GDP on a PPP basis will be at the same level the US is at today.
8. Six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years. No other country has won more than twice.
9. Bank deposits in India roughly equal 50% of its GDP OE again, among the highest in the world.
10. Indian Railways is the largest railway network in the world under single management.
11. India has the third-largest army in the world, nearly 1.5 million strong.
12. India is the largest producer and consumer of tea in the world, accounting for more than 30% of global production and 25% of consumption.
13. India is the world's premier centre for diamond cutting and polishing. Nine out of every 10 stones sold in the world pass through India.
14. India has the highest number of annual bulk drugs filings (77) with USFDA.
15. India is home to the largest number of pharmaceutical plants (61) approved by USFDA outside the US.
16. India's Hero Honda is the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer, with 2002 production of 1.7m units.
17. Other than US and Japan, India is the only country to have built a super computer indigenously.
18. Indian Railways is the largest employer in the world, with a staff of 1.6 million people.
19. It is the second-largest cement-producing country in the world, producing more than 110m tonnes.
20. Of the Fortune 500 companies, 220 outsource their software-related work to India.
21. There are 8,500 Indian restaurants in the UK, 15% of the country's total dining-out establishments.
22. India is the largest democracy in the world, with nearly 400m voting in the last national elections.
23. India has the second-largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world. 26. India has the third-largest investor base in the world.
24. According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds.
25. The Kumbh Mela festival, held every 12 years in the city of Allahabad, attracts 25 million people OE more than the population of 185 of the 227 countries in the world. In fact, in 2001, it attracted 27 million people on the main holy days in January, and 71 million over the course of the 6 weeks of the whole festival.
26. The Indian city of Varanasi, also known as Benares, is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.
27. There are 3.22 million Indians in the US.
28. Indians are the richest immigrant class in the US, with nearly 200,000 millionaires. From a sample of 2004 US Census based surveys, Asians are the highest earning subgroup with a median income of $57,518 compared to the national average of $44,389.
29. India is ranked the sixth country in the world in terms of satellite launches.
30. There are over 70,000 bank branches in India - among the highest in the world.
31. The State bank of India is the world’s largest Bank in terms of branches.
Additional and Interesting Quotes About India.
We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made. -- Albert Einstein.
India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand mother of tradition. ---Mark Twain.
If there is one place on the face of the earth where all dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India. --- French scholar Romain Rolland.
India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border. --- Hu Shih. (Former Chinese ambassador to USA)
ALL OF THE ABOVE IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG, THE LIST COULD BE ENDLESS. BUT, if we don't see even a glimpse of that great India in the India that we see today, it clearly means that we are not working up to our potential; and that if we do, we could once again see India as an ever shining and inspiring country setting a bright path for rest of the world to follow.
With all this evidence anyone can see the potential India and her people have exhibited in the past, only to have had it stifled and squashed by its conquerors over the centuries. Nonetheless, it could again become a global influence if allowed to do so, which is something that is again gradually happening after a long struggle toward freedom.
[Much more information of this kind is presented in Stephen Knapp's book "Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence."]
A team of student researchers in the Master of Engineering Management program of the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University led by Executive in Residence/Adjunct Professor Vivek Wadhwa, Research Scholar Ben Rissing, and Sociology Professor Gary Gereffi, has documented the economic and intellectual contributions of immigrant technologists and engineers to US competitiveness -- to understand the sources of US global advantage as well as what the US can do to keep its edge. The results released on January 4, 2007, show a significant contribution by immigrants of Indian origin:
**Indian immigrants have founded more engineering and technology companies in the US in the past decade (1995-2005) than immigrants from the U.K., China, Taiwan and Japan combined. Of all immigrant-founded companies, 26% have Indian founders.
**Chinese (Mainland- and Taiwan-born) entrepreneurs are heavily concentrated in California, with 49% of Mainland Chinese and 81% of Taiwanese companies located there. Indian and U.K. entrepreneurs tend to be dispersed around the country, with Indians having sizable concentrations in California, Texas and New Jersey and the British in California and Georgia.
** While in New Jersey, the share of Indian start-ups was a whopping 47 per cent, in Texas, it stood at 25 per cent. This was followed by California with 20 per cent, Florida with 18 per cent, New York with 14 per cent and Massachusetts with 10 per cent.
**Almost 80% of immigrant-founded companies in the US were within just two industry fields: software (33%) and innovation/manufacturing-related services (46%). The software field contains computer programming services, prepackaged software, integrated system design, processing services and information retrieval companies. The innovation/manufacturing-related services field includes a variety of electronics, computer and hardware design and service companies in addition to engineering services, research and testing.
** Immigrant groups from India, UK, Mainland China and Taiwan founded innovation/manufacturing related service companies in similar proportions over the past decade (accounting for 42% to 46% of all engineering and technology companies founded by each group).
Entrepreneurs from India and the U.K. gravitated as well toward the software industry, which accounted for 46% and 43%, respectively, of their startups; but they were minimally represented in hardware-oriented sectors such as semiconductors and computers/communications. Immigrant founders from China and Taiwan started companies in a broader range of industries, and were more likely to start computers/communications (with 25% and 27% respectively) and software companies (19% and 17%). In addition, they were more likely to be founders of semiconductor companies (8% and 7%) than their Indian or UK counterparts.
**Indian immigrants are the primary founders of immigrant companies in the innovation/manufacturing-related services fields. Just under a quarter of the immigrants who founded companies in this field are from India, followed at a considerable distance by Taiwan and China at 6% each. The Indian immigrant group contributes as well to the biosciences and computers/communications fields but is not a dominant force. In biosciences, India and Germany each contribute 10% of the companies founded by immigrants; the UK, France, Israel and Korea trail at 6%. In the computers/communications field, India-, Taiwan-, and China-born founders together accounted for just over 50% of all the immigrant start-ups from 1995 to 2005. India- and China-born immigrant entrepreneurs each founded 15% of the immigrant founded semiconductors companies from 1995 to 2005. These contributions were trailed by those of immigrant founders from the Philippines (10%) and Taiwan (10%). Finally, within the software field, Indian immigrants established 34% of the immigrant founded software companies from 1995 to 2005.
**Based on an analysis of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) patent databases, the largest group of immigrant non-citizen inventors were Chinese (Mainland and Taiwan-born). Indians were second, followed by the Canadians and British.
**A comparison with Saxenian's 1999 findings shows that the percentage of firms with Indian or Chinese founders in the Silicon Valley had increased from 24% to 28%. Indian immigrants outpaced their Chinese counterparts as founders of engineering and technology companies in Silicon Valley. Saxenian reported that 17% of Silicon Valley startups from 1980-1998 had a Chinese founder and 7% had an Indian founder. The new study found that from 1995 to 2005, Indians were key founders of 15.5% of all Silicon Valley startups, and immigrants from China and Taiwan were key founders in 12.8%.
** In Research Triangle Park, 18.7% of startups had an immigrant as a key founder, compared with the North Carolina average of 13.9. Indians constitute the largest immigrant founding group, with 25% of startups, followed by immigrants from Germany and the U.K., each with 15%.
**Between 1990 and 2000, the population of Indian scientists and engineers (S&E) in Silicon Valley grew by 646% (while the total foreign-born S&E workforce grew by 246% and the region's total population of S&E, both native and foreign-born, grew by only 103%). In short, the growth of Indian entrepreneurship reflected the influx of Indian scientists and engineers to the region.
**Silicon Valley's immigrant entrepreneurs led the nation in the 1990s by starting dynamic technology businesses that generate substantial wealth and employment in the US. Today they are contributing to the creation of new centers of technology and skill in their home countries. As these entrepreneurs collaborate with former classmates and colleagues in once peripheral economies like India and China, they are providing access to the markets and know-how that are critical to success in today's global economy.
**There was at least one immigrant key founder in 25.3% of all engineering and technology companies established in the U.S. between 1995 and 2005 inclusive. Together, this pool of immigrant-founded companies was responsible for generating more than $52 billion in 2005 sales and creating just under 450,000 jobs as of 2005. These immigrants come to the U.S. from all over the world to take advantage of the business, technology and economic opportunities in the country. Almost 26% of all immigrant-founded companies in the last ten years were founded by Indian immigrants. Immigrants from the U.K., China, and Taiwan contributed to 7.1%, 6.9% and 5.8% of all immigrant-founded businesses, respectively. These immigrant-founded businesses are unevenly located across the country. California and New Jersey represented hot spots for immigrant-founded engineering and technology business; Washington and Ohio possessed relatively low percentages of immigrant founded businesses. Some immigrant groups displayed tendencies to start businesses in a particular state. For example, 81% of businesses founded by Taiwanese immigrants were located in California.
**This research shows that immigrants have become a significant driving force in the creation of new businesses and intellectual property in the U.S. - and that their contributions have increased over the past decade.
**The key to maintaining US competitiveness in a global economy is to understand America's strengths and to effectively leverage these. Skilled immigrants are one of America's greatest advantages.
The full report can be read at http://memp.pratt.duke.edu/downloads/americas_new_immigrant_entrepreneurs.pdf
[Available at: http://www.stephen-knapp.com]
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
He writes -
While traveling and giving lectures in India last winter (December, 2002), a few questions that were presented to me was how America seems to be so progressive, as if it is the Americans themselves and their lifestyle that should be followed. However, I pointed out that it is the inter-cultural contribution that makes the progress in America possible, including those made by Indians. The following includes a few of the points I made in answer to such questions.
1. Who is the co-founder of Sun Microsystems? Vinod Khosla. The Sun founder also had an Indian Professor in Computer Technologies at Louisiana State University.
2. Who is the creator of the Pentium chip (needs no introduction as 90% of the today's computers run on it)? Vinod Dham.
3. Who is the third richest man in the world? According to the latest report on Fortune Magazine, it is AZIM PREMJI, who is the CEO of Wipro Industries. The Sultan of Brunei is at 6th position now.
4. Who is the founder and creator of Hotmail (Hotmail is world's No.1 web based email program)? Sabeer Bhatia.
5. Who is the president of AT & T-Bell Labs (AT &T-Bell Labs is the creator of program languages such as C, C++, and Unix to name a few)? Arun Netravalli.
6. Who is the GM of Hewlett Packard? Rajiv Gupta.
7. Who is the new MTD (Microsoft Testing Director) of Windows 2000, responsible to iron out all initial problems? Sanjay Tejwrika.
8. Who are the Chief Executives of CitiBank, Mckensey & Stanchart? Victor Menezes, Rajat Gupta, and Rana Talwar. Indians are the wealthiest among all ethnic groups in America, even faring better than the Caucasians and natives. There are 3.22 million Indians in USA (1.5% of population).
9. Furthermore, the Consul General in New York, Mr. Pramathesh Rath has said that India (as of 2002) is the largest source of international students accounting for more than 11 percent or 67,000 of the over half-million studying in various universities in the U.S. In this case, Indian students for the first time outnumbered the hitherto largest source of international students, which was China.
For the period of 2002-03, Indian students remain number 1 in U.S. university enrollments, totaling 74,603, up from the previous year. This accounts for a good 13% of the 586,323 international students. This means the Indian student population in the U.S. has doubled in the last 7 years. The U.S. authorities also appreciate this since it brings in large sums of money for the U.S. economy. It also allows the Indian talent to contribute to the U.S., as well as brings home to India a work force with cutting edge skills.
10. Indian doctors, numbering more than 35,000, constitute over five percent of all physicians in America.
11. Indians constitute ten percent of all medical students in America.
12. Indians also own nearly 40% of all the small and mid-size hotels in the country.
13. Another point is that three-fourths of all graduates from the prestigious IIT university in India are in the U.S.
14. Let's not forget that it was such spiritual visionaries as Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Vivekananda, and others who first brought notice of the true glories of Indian Vedic philosophy to the American public, and helped change the public's view of spirituality, popularize the vegetarian diet and yoga, and make "Hare Krishna" a household word.
Additional facts were recently published in a German magazine, which deals with
1. India never invaded any country in her last 1000 years of history.
2. India invented the numerical system. Aryabhatta invented 'zero.'
3. The world's first university was established in Takshila in 700 BC. More than 10,500 students
from all over the world studied more than 60 subjects. The University of Nalanda built in the 4th century BC was one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education.
4. According to the Forbes magazine, Sanskrit is the most suitable language for computer software.
5. Ayurveda is the earliest school of medicine known to humans.
6. Although western media portrays modern images of India as poverty stricken and underdeveloped through political corruption, India was once the richest empire on earth.
7. The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 5000 years ago. The very word "Navigation" is derived from the Sanskrit word NAVGATIH.
8. The value of pi was first calculated by Budhayana, and he explained the concept of what is now known as the Pythagorean Theorem. British scholars have last year (1999) officially published that Budhayan's works date back to the 6th Century, which is long before the European mathematicians.
9. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were by Sridharacharya in the 11th Century; the largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Indians used numbers as big as 1053.
10. According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds to the world.
11. USA based IEEE has proved what has been a century-old suspicion amongst academics that the pioneer of wireless communication was Professor Jagdeesh Bose and not Marconi.
12. The earliest reservoir and dam for irrigation was built in Saurashtra.
13. Chess was invented in India.
14. Sushruta is the father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted surgeries like cesareans, cataract, fractures and urinary stones. Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient India.
15. When many cultures in the world were only nomadic forest dwellers over 5000 years ago, Indians established Harappan culture in Sindhu Valley (Indus Valley Civilization).
16. The place value system, the decimal system was developed in India dating back to at least 100 BC.To elaborate on these points:
A similar article to the one above was originally sent into the Indian Express newspaper, June 22, 1999, by Maxwell Pareira, and reproduced in the Annual Research Journal - 2000, by the Institute for Rewriting Indian (and World) History, which follows.
Some may dispute the facts, like, "India never invaded any country in the last 10,000 years of her history." But when many cultures were nomadic forest dwellers over 5,000 years ago, India established the Harappan culture in the Indus Valley.
The world's first university, established in Takshila in 700 BC, had 10,500 students from all over the world studying more than 60 subjects. The large university at Nalanda, dating from the 4th century BC, is acknowledged as one of the greatest achievements of ancient India in the field of education. And Sanskrit, through Latin, is accepted as the mother of all European languages. A 1987 report in Forbes magazine said Sanskrit was the most suitable language for computer software.
India contributed to the number system by the numeral 0, innovated by Aryabhatta. Algebra, trigonometry, and calculus originated in India. The quadratic equation was solved by Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The Greeks and Romans contented themselves with rather small numbers, while Hindus (the then inhabitants of the land of Sapta-Sindhu) used units as big as 10 raised to the power of 53 with specific names as early as 5,000 BC, during the Vedic period. Today, the largest unit in use is tera, or 10 to the power of 12.
The solar year was calculated as 365.25875684 days by Bhaskaracharya in the 5th century, hundreds of years before the astronomer Smart. The value of pi was first calculated by Bodhayana, who also discovered the Pythagorean Theorem in the 6th century, long before the European mathematicians. The place value system and the decimal system were developed in India in 100 BC. [Further research has placed the dates mentioned in this paragraph as actually being much earlier for some of these inventions, as explained in Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence.]
Ayurveda is the oldest school of medicine codified by Charaka 2,500 years ago. Sushruta, the father of surgery, conducted complicated procedures dealing with cataracts, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones, plastic surgery, caesarean section and brain surgery 2,600 years ago. Over 125 surgical instruments were in use. The use of anesthesia was also known in ancient India.
A century-old suspicion that the pioneer of wireless communication was Prof. Jagadish Bose and not Marconi now stands proven. And Nature has reported that a Danish physicist and his team in the US have slowed down light from the speed of 300,000 km per second to 71 km per hour, using the Bose Einstein Condensate to stall it in its path. And the forensic use of fingerprints was discovered and developed in Calcutta.
The art of navigation was born in the river Sindh 6,000 years ago. The very word "navigation" is derived from the Sanskrit naugatih. Although modern images of India show poverty and underdevelopment, it was the richest country on earth until the arrival of the British.
Christopher Columbus was attracted by India's wealth. According to the Gemological Institute of America, until 1896 India was the world's only source of diamonds. Furthermore, the earliest dam for irrigation was built in Saurashta. According to the Saka King Rudradaman I, a beautiful lake called Sudarshana was constructed on the hills of Raivataka in Chandragupta Maurya's time.
In regard to games, there is no doubt that the game of chess is an Indian invention in the form of Shatranj or Astha Pada. Polo originated in Manipur. The first man on Everest was Tenzing Norgay, not Sir Edmond Hillary.
Some additional facts about India are the following:
1. The number of companies listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, at more than 6,000, is second only to NYSE.
2. Four out of 10 Silicon Valley startups are run by Indians.
3. With 800 movies per year, India's film industry overshadows Hollywood.
4. The organized lottery market in India is US$7bn (2% of GDP).
5. India consumes a fifth of the world's gold output.
6. Indians account for 45% of H1-B visas issued by the US every year.
7. Growing at 6%, in 25 years Indian GDP on a PPP basis will be at the same level the US is at today.
8. Six Indian ladies have won Miss Universe/Miss World titles over the past 10 years. No other country has won more than twice.
9. Bank deposits in India roughly equal 50% of its GDP OE again, among the highest in the world.
10. Indian Railways is the largest railway network in the world under single management.
11. India has the third-largest army in the world, nearly 1.5 million strong.
12. India is the largest producer and consumer of tea in the world, accounting for more than 30% of global production and 25% of consumption.
13. India is the world's premier centre for diamond cutting and polishing. Nine out of every 10 stones sold in the world pass through India.
14. India has the highest number of annual bulk drugs filings (77) with USFDA.
15. India is home to the largest number of pharmaceutical plants (61) approved by USFDA outside the US.
16. India's Hero Honda is the world's largest motorcycle manufacturer, with 2002 production of 1.7m units.
17. Other than US and Japan, India is the only country to have built a super computer indigenously.
18. Indian Railways is the largest employer in the world, with a staff of 1.6 million people.
19. It is the second-largest cement-producing country in the world, producing more than 110m tonnes.
20. Of the Fortune 500 companies, 220 outsource their software-related work to India.
21. There are 8,500 Indian restaurants in the UK, 15% of the country's total dining-out establishments.
22. India is the largest democracy in the world, with nearly 400m voting in the last national elections.
23. India has the second-largest pool of scientists and engineers in the world. 26. India has the third-largest investor base in the world.
24. According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source of diamonds.
25. The Kumbh Mela festival, held every 12 years in the city of Allahabad, attracts 25 million people OE more than the population of 185 of the 227 countries in the world. In fact, in 2001, it attracted 27 million people on the main holy days in January, and 71 million over the course of the 6 weeks of the whole festival.
26. The Indian city of Varanasi, also known as Benares, is the oldest, continuously inhabited city in the world today.
27. There are 3.22 million Indians in the US.
28. Indians are the richest immigrant class in the US, with nearly 200,000 millionaires. From a sample of 2004 US Census based surveys, Asians are the highest earning subgroup with a median income of $57,518 compared to the national average of $44,389.
29. India is ranked the sixth country in the world in terms of satellite launches.
30. There are over 70,000 bank branches in India - among the highest in the world.
31. The State bank of India is the world’s largest Bank in terms of branches.
Additional and Interesting Quotes About India.
We owe a lot to the Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made. -- Albert Einstein.
India is the cradle of the human race, the birthplace of human speech, the mother of history, the grandmother of legend and the great grand mother of tradition. ---Mark Twain.
If there is one place on the face of the earth where all dreams of living men have found a home from the very earliest days when man began the dream of existence, it is India. --- French scholar Romain Rolland.
India conquered and dominated China culturally for 20 centuries without ever having to send a single soldier across her border. --- Hu Shih. (Former Chinese ambassador to USA)
ALL OF THE ABOVE IS JUST THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG, THE LIST COULD BE ENDLESS. BUT, if we don't see even a glimpse of that great India in the India that we see today, it clearly means that we are not working up to our potential; and that if we do, we could once again see India as an ever shining and inspiring country setting a bright path for rest of the world to follow.
With all this evidence anyone can see the potential India and her people have exhibited in the past, only to have had it stifled and squashed by its conquerors over the centuries. Nonetheless, it could again become a global influence if allowed to do so, which is something that is again gradually happening after a long struggle toward freedom.
[Much more information of this kind is presented in Stephen Knapp's book "Proof of Vedic Culture's Global Existence."]
A team of student researchers in the Master of Engineering Management program of the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University led by Executive in Residence/Adjunct Professor Vivek Wadhwa, Research Scholar Ben Rissing, and Sociology Professor Gary Gereffi, has documented the economic and intellectual contributions of immigrant technologists and engineers to US competitiveness -- to understand the sources of US global advantage as well as what the US can do to keep its edge. The results released on January 4, 2007, show a significant contribution by immigrants of Indian origin:
**Indian immigrants have founded more engineering and technology companies in the US in the past decade (1995-2005) than immigrants from the U.K., China, Taiwan and Japan combined. Of all immigrant-founded companies, 26% have Indian founders.
**Chinese (Mainland- and Taiwan-born) entrepreneurs are heavily concentrated in California, with 49% of Mainland Chinese and 81% of Taiwanese companies located there. Indian and U.K. entrepreneurs tend to be dispersed around the country, with Indians having sizable concentrations in California, Texas and New Jersey and the British in California and Georgia.
** While in New Jersey, the share of Indian start-ups was a whopping 47 per cent, in Texas, it stood at 25 per cent. This was followed by California with 20 per cent, Florida with 18 per cent, New York with 14 per cent and Massachusetts with 10 per cent.
**Almost 80% of immigrant-founded companies in the US were within just two industry fields: software (33%) and innovation/manufacturing-related services (46%). The software field contains computer programming services, prepackaged software, integrated system design, processing services and information retrieval companies. The innovation/manufacturing-related services field includes a variety of electronics, computer and hardware design and service companies in addition to engineering services, research and testing.
** Immigrant groups from India, UK, Mainland China and Taiwan founded innovation/manufacturing related service companies in similar proportions over the past decade (accounting for 42% to 46% of all engineering and technology companies founded by each group).
Entrepreneurs from India and the U.K. gravitated as well toward the software industry, which accounted for 46% and 43%, respectively, of their startups; but they were minimally represented in hardware-oriented sectors such as semiconductors and computers/communications. Immigrant founders from China and Taiwan started companies in a broader range of industries, and were more likely to start computers/communications (with 25% and 27% respectively) and software companies (19% and 17%). In addition, they were more likely to be founders of semiconductor companies (8% and 7%) than their Indian or UK counterparts.
**Indian immigrants are the primary founders of immigrant companies in the innovation/manufacturing-related services fields. Just under a quarter of the immigrants who founded companies in this field are from India, followed at a considerable distance by Taiwan and China at 6% each. The Indian immigrant group contributes as well to the biosciences and computers/communications fields but is not a dominant force. In biosciences, India and Germany each contribute 10% of the companies founded by immigrants; the UK, France, Israel and Korea trail at 6%. In the computers/communications field, India-, Taiwan-, and China-born founders together accounted for just over 50% of all the immigrant start-ups from 1995 to 2005. India- and China-born immigrant entrepreneurs each founded 15% of the immigrant founded semiconductors companies from 1995 to 2005. These contributions were trailed by those of immigrant founders from the Philippines (10%) and Taiwan (10%). Finally, within the software field, Indian immigrants established 34% of the immigrant founded software companies from 1995 to 2005.
**Based on an analysis of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) patent databases, the largest group of immigrant non-citizen inventors were Chinese (Mainland and Taiwan-born). Indians were second, followed by the Canadians and British.
**A comparison with Saxenian's 1999 findings shows that the percentage of firms with Indian or Chinese founders in the Silicon Valley had increased from 24% to 28%. Indian immigrants outpaced their Chinese counterparts as founders of engineering and technology companies in Silicon Valley. Saxenian reported that 17% of Silicon Valley startups from 1980-1998 had a Chinese founder and 7% had an Indian founder. The new study found that from 1995 to 2005, Indians were key founders of 15.5% of all Silicon Valley startups, and immigrants from China and Taiwan were key founders in 12.8%.
** In Research Triangle Park, 18.7% of startups had an immigrant as a key founder, compared with the North Carolina average of 13.9. Indians constitute the largest immigrant founding group, with 25% of startups, followed by immigrants from Germany and the U.K., each with 15%.
**Between 1990 and 2000, the population of Indian scientists and engineers (S&E) in Silicon Valley grew by 646% (while the total foreign-born S&E workforce grew by 246% and the region's total population of S&E, both native and foreign-born, grew by only 103%). In short, the growth of Indian entrepreneurship reflected the influx of Indian scientists and engineers to the region.
**Silicon Valley's immigrant entrepreneurs led the nation in the 1990s by starting dynamic technology businesses that generate substantial wealth and employment in the US. Today they are contributing to the creation of new centers of technology and skill in their home countries. As these entrepreneurs collaborate with former classmates and colleagues in once peripheral economies like India and China, they are providing access to the markets and know-how that are critical to success in today's global economy.
**There was at least one immigrant key founder in 25.3% of all engineering and technology companies established in the U.S. between 1995 and 2005 inclusive. Together, this pool of immigrant-founded companies was responsible for generating more than $52 billion in 2005 sales and creating just under 450,000 jobs as of 2005. These immigrants come to the U.S. from all over the world to take advantage of the business, technology and economic opportunities in the country. Almost 26% of all immigrant-founded companies in the last ten years were founded by Indian immigrants. Immigrants from the U.K., China, and Taiwan contributed to 7.1%, 6.9% and 5.8% of all immigrant-founded businesses, respectively. These immigrant-founded businesses are unevenly located across the country. California and New Jersey represented hot spots for immigrant-founded engineering and technology business; Washington and Ohio possessed relatively low percentages of immigrant founded businesses. Some immigrant groups displayed tendencies to start businesses in a particular state. For example, 81% of businesses founded by Taiwanese immigrants were located in California.
**This research shows that immigrants have become a significant driving force in the creation of new businesses and intellectual property in the U.S. - and that their contributions have increased over the past decade.
**The key to maintaining US competitiveness in a global economy is to understand America's strengths and to effectively leverage these. Skilled immigrants are one of America's greatest advantages.
The full report can be read at http://memp.pratt.duke.edu/downloads/americas_new_immigrant_entrepreneurs.pdf
[Available at: http://www.stephen-knapp.com]
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
Saturday, July 12, 2008
An interesting article on the current crisis in India-policies over Civil Nuclear deal.
Keral just excersised on of the hidden right of the State in the Federal Union.
News Below:
New Delhi: Kerala’s Left-dominated legislative assembly adopted a resolution on Friday urging the Union government to ditch the Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement—on environmental grounds rather than purely ideological. One green activist said the move was unprecedented.
The resolution linked the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) notification of 2006 with the nuclear deal, over which the Left parties have withdrawn support to the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government at the Centre.
The EIA notification mandates that companies wishing to set up nuclear power plants apply for environmental clearance to the Union government rather than the states.
Nuclear energy companies associated with the defence forces would be exempted from requiring environmental clearances.
“The EIA notification of 2006 is against the interest of Kerala state, nature and environment and people,” said the resolution.
“The Indo-American Nuclear Agreement is an attempt by American imperialism to transform India as a client state. Kerala State Assembly earnestly requests Central Government to withdraw from the Agreement,” the resolution said.
This resolution was proposed by Rajaji Thomas, a lawmaker from the Communist Party of India (CPI), and was passed with 76 votes in favour and none against in the 141-member assembly.
The resolution will now move to the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF), which will have to take a call on it.
“The notification has diluted provisions for nuclear facilities, opening the gates for the nuclear agreement,” said a member of the assembly, who did not wish to be identified.
The resolution was passed as the UPA prepares for a showdown in Parliament over the nuclear deal after taking heavy flak over the agreement from both its erstwhile Left allies and the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party.
“This is an unprecedented move by a state,” said Leo Saldanha, an activist of Bangalore-based Environment Support Group.
“The Kerala state assembly has set a landmark precedent in Parliamentary democracy history of India by asserting its power in the federal structure of governance of India,” he said.
He added that on rules related to other important issues, such as land and water, which are also state subjects, the MoEF should open them up for debate at the state level before letting them go to Parliament.
Another member of the assembly, who did not wish to be identified, said the nuclear deal was not the only reason behind the resolution.
“There have been many such environmental issues in the state. Some projects have been getting clearances without even a public hearing,” he said.
The 163MW Athirapally Hydro-Electric Project, on the Chalakudy river in Thrissur district, has been hanging fire since the early 1990s.
The project, to be executed by the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB), has been at the centre of protests by local villagers, tribals and farmers.
KSEB obtained a clearance from MoEF for the project without a public hearing under the 2006 EIA notification after holding one hearing under a predecessor
Padmaparna Ghosh
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
Keral just excersised on of the hidden right of the State in the Federal Union.
News Below:
New Delhi: Kerala’s Left-dominated legislative assembly adopted a resolution on Friday urging the Union government to ditch the Indo-US civilian nuclear agreement—on environmental grounds rather than purely ideological. One green activist said the move was unprecedented.
The resolution linked the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) notification of 2006 with the nuclear deal, over which the Left parties have withdrawn support to the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government at the Centre.
The EIA notification mandates that companies wishing to set up nuclear power plants apply for environmental clearance to the Union government rather than the states.
Nuclear energy companies associated with the defence forces would be exempted from requiring environmental clearances.
“The EIA notification of 2006 is against the interest of Kerala state, nature and environment and people,” said the resolution.
“The Indo-American Nuclear Agreement is an attempt by American imperialism to transform India as a client state. Kerala State Assembly earnestly requests Central Government to withdraw from the Agreement,” the resolution said.
This resolution was proposed by Rajaji Thomas, a lawmaker from the Communist Party of India (CPI), and was passed with 76 votes in favour and none against in the 141-member assembly.
The resolution will now move to the ministry of environment and forests (MoEF), which will have to take a call on it.
“The notification has diluted provisions for nuclear facilities, opening the gates for the nuclear agreement,” said a member of the assembly, who did not wish to be identified.
The resolution was passed as the UPA prepares for a showdown in Parliament over the nuclear deal after taking heavy flak over the agreement from both its erstwhile Left allies and the main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party.
“This is an unprecedented move by a state,” said Leo Saldanha, an activist of Bangalore-based Environment Support Group.
“The Kerala state assembly has set a landmark precedent in Parliamentary democracy history of India by asserting its power in the federal structure of governance of India,” he said.
He added that on rules related to other important issues, such as land and water, which are also state subjects, the MoEF should open them up for debate at the state level before letting them go to Parliament.
Another member of the assembly, who did not wish to be identified, said the nuclear deal was not the only reason behind the resolution.
“There have been many such environmental issues in the state. Some projects have been getting clearances without even a public hearing,” he said.
The 163MW Athirapally Hydro-Electric Project, on the Chalakudy river in Thrissur district, has been hanging fire since the early 1990s.
The project, to be executed by the Kerala State Electricity Board (KSEB), has been at the centre of protests by local villagers, tribals and farmers.
KSEB obtained a clearance from MoEF for the project without a public hearing under the 2006 EIA notification after holding one hearing under a predecessor
Padmaparna Ghosh
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
Friday, July 11, 2008
Bande Mataram
To look back and think forward at the juncture of current strategic crisis in the world in general and in India in particular. Human race is most intriguing than any other race in this world - We want to live for ever knowing that we must go. With this desire to stay around we the human become so critical of securing national, communal and individual security and comfort that we quite often ready to bring harms to other knowingly and regrettably to our offsprings.
Bonde Mataram was a song written by Bamkim Chandra Chatterjee in 1876. This song has given unpresidented inspiration to the people to stay put in principle and look for greater goods for humanity. No wonder the song still on the top 10 list of all song in the world (see below)
Vande Mataram (Sanskrit: वन्दे मातरम् Vande Mātaram, Bengali: বন্দে মাতরম Bônde Matorom; English Translation: Bow to thee Mother ) is the national song of India[1], distinct from the national anthem of India "Jana Gana Mana". The song was composed by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay in a mixture of Bengali and Sanskrit.[2] and the first political occasion where it was sung was the 1896 session of the Indian National Congress[1].
In 2003, BBC World Service conducted an international poll to choose ten most famous songs of all time. Around 7000 songs were selected from all over the world. According to BBC, people from 155 countries/island voted. Vande Mataram was second in top 10 songs
Vande Mataram
malayaja sheethalam
shashya shyamalaam
Maataram, vande maataram
Shubhra jothsana pulakitha yaminim
Phulla kusumitat drumah dala shobhinim
Suhasinim, Sumadhura Bhashinim
sukhadaam varadhaam, maataram
Vande mataraam
My obeisance to Mother India!
With flowing beneficial waters
Filled with choicest fruits
With Sandal scented winds
Green with the harvest
O mother! My obeisance to you!
Ecstatic moonlit nights
The plants blooming with flowers
Sweet speaker of sweet languages
Fount of blessings,
Mother, I salute you!
In Bengali script
বন্দে মাতর
মলযজশীতলাম্শস্য শ্যামলাং মাতরম্
শুভ্র জ্যোত্স্ন পুলকিত
যামিনীম্ফুল্ল কুসুমিত
সুহাসিনীং সুমধুর
ভাষিণীম্সুখদাং বরদাং
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
Bonde Mataram was a song written by Bamkim Chandra Chatterjee in 1876. This song has given unpresidented inspiration to the people to stay put in principle and look for greater goods for humanity. No wonder the song still on the top 10 list of all song in the world (see below)
Vande Mataram (Sanskrit: वन्दे मातरम् Vande Mātaram, Bengali: বন্দে মাতরম Bônde Matorom; English Translation: Bow to thee Mother ) is the national song of India[1], distinct from the national anthem of India "Jana Gana Mana". The song was composed by Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay in a mixture of Bengali and Sanskrit.[2] and the first political occasion where it was sung was the 1896 session of the Indian National Congress[1].
In 2003, BBC World Service conducted an international poll to choose ten most famous songs of all time. Around 7000 songs were selected from all over the world. According to BBC, people from 155 countries/island voted. Vande Mataram was second in top 10 songs
Vande Mataram
malayaja sheethalam
shashya shyamalaam
Maataram, vande maataram
Shubhra jothsana pulakitha yaminim
Phulla kusumitat drumah dala shobhinim
Suhasinim, Sumadhura Bhashinim
sukhadaam varadhaam, maataram
Vande mataraam
My obeisance to Mother India!
With flowing beneficial waters
Filled with choicest fruits
With Sandal scented winds
Green with the harvest
O mother! My obeisance to you!
Ecstatic moonlit nights
The plants blooming with flowers
Sweet speaker of sweet languages
Fount of blessings,
Mother, I salute you!
In Bengali script
বন্দে মাতর
মলযজশীতলাম্শস্য শ্যামলাং মাতরম্
শুভ্র জ্যোত্স্ন পুলকিত
যামিনীম্ফুল্ল কুসুমিত
সুহাসিনীং সুমধুর
ভাষিণীম্সুখদাং বরদাং
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
INDIA: Energy Trends -
Kolkata: 8 July 2008
Today the Centre for Social Markets (CSM) released a report examining seven renewable energy trends in India that could accelerate the country's transition to a more sustainable, low-carbon future. Launched just ahead of the *2nd India Cleantech Forum* in Delhi, the report, entitled *'INDIA: Renewable Energy Trends'*, forms part of a Discussion Paper series published under the banner of CSM's '*Climate Challenge India'* campaign.
At a time when the world is seized with the challenge of dealing simultaneously with climate change, energy security and a global economic downturn, the report provides a hopeful signpost to a future where renewable energy could play a significant role in providing solutions. Conducted by American scholar, *Alexis Ringwald*, during a Fulbright research scholarship, the research provides a detailed and original account of seven renewable energy trends in India, ranging from the dramatic rise in renewable energy investment to the leadership role taken by a number of Indian states.
Commenting on the report, CSM chief executive, *Malini Mehra*, said: "We are witnessing the emergence of a renaissance in renewable energy which should give us all hope. The trends outlined in this paper tell an exciting story of just how different dimensions of the energy, economy, environment and employment challenge are finally coming together to offer solutions that amount to more than just the sum of their parts. If the potential they represent is seized with the intensity and commitment required, the future for India will be green and bright."
In his endorsement of the research, *Dr RK Pachauri*, Director- General, TERI & Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said it was: "A comprehensive assessment of the renewable energy challenge and opportunity for India, representing a high quality piece of research and insightful investigation. … a very laudable effort in understanding the complexities of the Indian energy sector, the challenge of accelerated growth and development faced by the country, and the rationale and logic for bringing about a transition towards more energy efficient and renewable energy based solutions."
In his Foreword to the report, *N. Subramanian*, Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, said: "New policy initiatives and the development of viable business models in the private sector have spurred growth during the last two years. India has reached a stage where it is admitted by all that renewable energy is one of the most essential and sustainable solutions."
The report has been published with the support of the *United States Educational Foundation in India (USEFI)* and can be downloaded directly from CSM's website at: http://www.csmworld.org
Print versions will be available shortly and can also be ordered directly on-line from CSM's website.
For more information on CSM's *Climate Challenge India* initiative, please visit:http://www.climatechallengeindia.org
For details on the 2nd India Cleantech Forum, please visit: http:// www.cleantechforum.com
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
Today the Centre for Social Markets (CSM) released a report examining seven renewable energy trends in India that could accelerate the country's transition to a more sustainable, low-carbon future. Launched just ahead of the *2nd India Cleantech Forum* in Delhi, the report, entitled *'INDIA: Renewable Energy Trends'*, forms part of a Discussion Paper series published under the banner of CSM's '*Climate Challenge India'* campaign.
At a time when the world is seized with the challenge of dealing simultaneously with climate change, energy security and a global economic downturn, the report provides a hopeful signpost to a future where renewable energy could play a significant role in providing solutions. Conducted by American scholar, *Alexis Ringwald*, during a Fulbright research scholarship, the research provides a detailed and original account of seven renewable energy trends in India, ranging from the dramatic rise in renewable energy investment to the leadership role taken by a number of Indian states.
Commenting on the report, CSM chief executive, *Malini Mehra*, said: "We are witnessing the emergence of a renaissance in renewable energy which should give us all hope. The trends outlined in this paper tell an exciting story of just how different dimensions of the energy, economy, environment and employment challenge are finally coming together to offer solutions that amount to more than just the sum of their parts. If the potential they represent is seized with the intensity and commitment required, the future for India will be green and bright."
In his endorsement of the research, *Dr RK Pachauri*, Director- General, TERI & Chairman, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), said it was: "A comprehensive assessment of the renewable energy challenge and opportunity for India, representing a high quality piece of research and insightful investigation. … a very laudable effort in understanding the complexities of the Indian energy sector, the challenge of accelerated growth and development faced by the country, and the rationale and logic for bringing about a transition towards more energy efficient and renewable energy based solutions."
In his Foreword to the report, *N. Subramanian*, Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, said: "New policy initiatives and the development of viable business models in the private sector have spurred growth during the last two years. India has reached a stage where it is admitted by all that renewable energy is one of the most essential and sustainable solutions."
The report has been published with the support of the *United States Educational Foundation in India (USEFI)* and can be downloaded directly from CSM's website at: http://www.csmworld.org
Print versions will be available shortly and can also be ordered directly on-line from CSM's website.
For more information on CSM's *Climate Challenge India* initiative, please visit:http://www.climatechallengeindia.org
For details on the 2nd India Cleantech Forum, please visit: http:// www.cleantechforum.com
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Hello readers -
I am excited create this log on the board to convey views and ideas from a think-tank where people from the outsides sees how the other side looks like.
India is a melting pot of thousands of years - where people from the south, from the north, from east and the west came and made it home - its culture, language and intellect grew with times not in years but YOG - some knowledge and wisdom are so old that those are most often mistaken as myth - I found out in a hard way that those myths are in fact true - and their explanation and logic were lost with time.
Now down to the present -
What is going on in India right now -
Current aspect of political crisis in the enregy indepedency is a subject of intense debate and it is a critical event with tremendous strategic important.
Any agencies, government and otherwise should take it very seriously. It is not place for persional and/or group benefit, pride and game-of-winning. It is the future of India's grand-children.
Not too long ago a collasole mistake and mis calculation put india in reverse padel for 200 years from mid-1700 AD. It was regional and divisional quaral that made India vulnarable for exploitation and slavery over 700 years - those who pays some interest in history can see quite similar senarios at the present days activities of India-politics.
What is does creates a ground for CHANGE - after all - quite citizen can take so much and so long. Before you know it - some Bhagat- Singh or Surya Sen will come and lead the mass to rescue. However, they had the support from out-side.
I recall history of one such clubs call GADAR-party. most people may not have heard of them - but they are the one who helped the modern India to evelove at its germination. Recently one of active supporter of Gadar party Kartar Dhillon just passed away in Berkeley, California. She was 93.
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
I am excited create this log on the board to convey views and ideas from a think-tank where people from the outsides sees how the other side looks like.
India is a melting pot of thousands of years - where people from the south, from the north, from east and the west came and made it home - its culture, language and intellect grew with times not in years but YOG - some knowledge and wisdom are so old that those are most often mistaken as myth - I found out in a hard way that those myths are in fact true - and their explanation and logic were lost with time.
Now down to the present -
What is going on in India right now -
Current aspect of political crisis in the enregy indepedency is a subject of intense debate and it is a critical event with tremendous strategic important.
Any agencies, government and otherwise should take it very seriously. It is not place for persional and/or group benefit, pride and game-of-winning. It is the future of India's grand-children.
Not too long ago a collasole mistake and mis calculation put india in reverse padel for 200 years from mid-1700 AD. It was regional and divisional quaral that made India vulnarable for exploitation and slavery over 700 years - those who pays some interest in history can see quite similar senarios at the present days activities of India-politics.
What is does creates a ground for CHANGE - after all - quite citizen can take so much and so long. Before you know it - some Bhagat- Singh or Surya Sen will come and lead the mass to rescue. However, they had the support from out-side.
I recall history of one such clubs call GADAR-party. most people may not have heard of them - but they are the one who helped the modern India to evelove at its germination. Recently one of active supporter of Gadar party Kartar Dhillon just passed away in Berkeley, California. She was 93.
Ryan Baidya
California Takshila University
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