Sunday, December 27, 2020

She Is

Project: She Is

Project She-Is is to look into the abuses of women from all walks of life and expressing their silent voices that are glass-shatteringly loud and heart penetratingly sharp.  We present their voices through the book titled: She Is.

The mission of this project is to touch individuals' inner emotions through the vivid representation of abuses of women.  We have used the works of artist Phauzdar who dedicated his entire life to expressing the soundless voices of the women Mr. Phauzdar persistently has been raising his voice for the past four decades through his artworks.  With his artworks and their narratives, we present his voice that resonates with the voices of many.  Please use the link below for an excerpt from the book.

The 256-page book contains 103 artworks and multiple other images.

It is a hybrid book with artworks and voices of the women who had been denigrated and abused. The book also presented the status of women before the "modern" era - respected and admired.  Each plate in this book is a story of wrongdoings endured by not one, not two, but thousands of thousands of women.  Each plate speaks for them to us to remind us that we have still a long way to go into making our society more just.  We must change, and change soon as a whole society.

The attitude towards women has to be clear and unambiguous. She forms the foundation of our society.  If we destroy the status, education, and dignity of women, we will destroy society.

If we want to form a society that stands up to the highest echelon of principles and nobility bestows the highest glory to a woman and lets her possess the knowledge, dignity, and leadership.

Please give us your views and opinions on this project.  Also, help us on how to bring this one-of-a-kind Collectible book to a larger audience.

Support this project and reserve a copy for yourself and make a donation to Takshila Foundation [501(c)3]:


Thank you.

Takshila Foundation

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Revisiting Panchsheel: Tibet and India

Tibet: India must Rescind its Interim Recognition of Tibet as being part of China
Anjali Kanojia, PhD, and Ryan Baidya PhD

Tibet has flourished for centuries; it has been a living hub of ancient culture and spirituality, minding its own business, so to speak.  Tibet has made vast contributions to the world in terms of spiritual wealth and philosophy.  As parts of the Indian subcontinent were being invaded and the Hindu civilization was obliterated by the barbaric attackers, many seekers, gurus and spiritual masters took refuge in the safety and solitude of Tibet, allowing Hindu and Buddhist thought and literature to survive and flourish.  Thus, Tibet holds extreme importance to Indians as it denotes resilience and survival. 

India & Tibet – Mutual Roots
One usually thinks of the recent history of Buddhism arriving from India to Tibet.  However, the harmonious relationship between India and Tibet runs farther and deeper and predates the time of the Gautama Buddha.  Tibetan scholar Bu-ston wrote that the Tibetan race comes from the descendants of the Military General – Rupati – a general from the Kaurava army from the times of the Mahabharata.  Tibetan chronicles documents that Rupati went to Tibet after the Kauravas were defeated by the Pandava army after the epic battle of Mahabharata ended and Rupati was followed by a large number of his consignment into Tibet. 

India in a sense can be considered as a mother, which gave birth to the beautiful culture of Tibet where the same stream of consciousness flows between the two entities. 
The roots of Tibet are Indian, and this continued with the advent of Buddhism in Tibet and noble Buddhist thought and philosophy influenced the people and the way of life for the region of Tibet.  Two Tibetan kings – Songtsen Gampo and Trisong-Detsen played a vital role in history by introducing Buddhism to their praja (citizens) in the 7th and 8th century.  This influence is still practiced and observed in the rituals, art, literature, poetry and day-to-day lives of the beautiful Tibetan people. 

Political Background
This historic border between India and Tibet was called the Indo-Tibetan border and China (Sino) had no mention in defining that border.  Tibetan history shows that Tibetan powerful rulers in the 7th century invaded parts of China, and the annexed Chinese territory was even paying taxes or tribute according to a treaty (Treaty of 821 A.D.) between the Tibetan king Tsenpo and the Chinese Emperor Hwang citing “neighborly contentment,” and “establishing a great era when Tibetans shall be happy in Tibet and Chinese shall be happy in China, shall never be changed.”   The Chinese forces violated the 821 A.D. bilateral treaty by continuously invading Tibet over the centuries.  

Tibetans have lost most of their Central Asian possessions to the Chinese and the great Tibetan Empire all but vanished by the 9th century due to Chinese and Mongol invasions.  

The British signed the Lhasa Convention with the Government of Tibet after their expedition and this denotes Tibet’s sovereignty.  It should be noted that China is nowhere in the picture and all official business was conducted with the government of Tibet. 

Twentieth Century
Mongolia and Tibet had a formal, bilateral treaty in 1913 where the two nations maintained recognition and Mongolia had kept an Ambassador in the Tibetan capital – Lhasa.  In 1913-1914, the representatives of British India, Tibet and China met in Shimla and settled the political status of Tibet and defined Tibet’s relations with China.  British-ruled India and Tibet signed an Indo-Tibet border treaty establishing the McMahon Line, which mainly defined the eastern Himalayan international borderline at the Shimla Convention.  However, the Shimla Convention failed to meet the goals it set out to accomplish.

Neighboring Nepal, in 1949 applied for the United Nations membership and formally stated that the Tibetan nation had independent, diplomatic relations with the United Kingdom, India, Burma, the United States of America and Tibet.  This clearly shows Tibet as an independent entity. 

Chinese Invasion
The Chinese again invaded Tibet in 1949.  India’s foreign office responded to the violation (of 821-treaty) on October 26, 1950 as:  “In the context of world events, invasion by Chinese troops of Tibet cannot but be regarded as deplorable and in the considered judgment of the Government of India, not in the interest of China or peace”.

India’s response clearly shows that India did not recognize Tibet as part of China.  If India did recognize Tibet as part of China, it would not refer to the violation of the 821 A.D. as an “invasion.”

When India became independent of the British in 1947, the Government of India sent the following note recognizing the Tibetan government:  “The Government of India would be glad to have an assurance that it is the intention of the Tibetan government to continue relations on the existing basis until new arrangements are reached that either party may wish to take up. This is the procedure adopted by all other countries with which India has inherited treaty relations from His Majesty’s Government”.

Mao Zedong acknowledged independent Tibet
After the fall of the Manchus in 1911, China offered both Nepal and Tibet to join China and both the nations refused.  China clearly recognized each of these nations as being sovereign entities up till this moment of time.  During World War II, Tibet continuously maintained neutrality and did not allow passage of any troops through its territory.  Even Mao Zedong acknowledged the independent status of Tibet in year 1938 when traveling through the Tibet-China border regions and said that “This is our only foreign debt, and some day we must pay — the Tibetans for the provisions we received from them”.

Soon after the failure of the Shimla Convention where China refused to sign the treaty, Mao Zedong declared a liberation plan for Tibet and began claiming that Tibet has always been a part of China.  The Indian Prime Minister – Jawaharlal Nehru for the first time recognized China’s claim over Tibet and signed the Panchsheel Treaty in 1954 acknowledging the same. 

Nehru’s ill thought faux pas set a dangerous precedent in history which affects the relationship between  India and Tibet as well as other foreign policy decisions. 

On June 23, 2003, while visiting China, in a joint declaration signed by then Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, for the first-time recognized Tibet as a part of China.  However, soon after the declaration, China repeatedly violated this declaration and Panchsheel accord by substance and spirit.  China’s aggression has continued even today with increased vigor and voracity.

India had enough and India has begun to ‘Right’ the ‘Wrong’.  In 2014, when Mr. Narendra D. Modi got elected by an unprecedented mandate by the citizens of India, Mr. Modi invited the head of the exiled government of Tibet to his swearing-in ceremony.

Righting the Wrongs   
More than 1.2 million Tibetans have died as a result of China’s occupation of Tibet.  The culture and people have been systemically destroyed and redirected resources that put Tibetans in a terrible position for survival.  China indiscriminately diverted water from the multinational rivers which originate in Tibet thereby putting the lives and well-being of billions of people at risk.  

India not just from a moral and ethical perspective but from a cultural perspective needs to maintain a protective status towards nations such as Tibet and Nepal and it is in everyone’s mutual interest that their sovereignty remain intact and protected from the neighboring Communist dreams and agendas. 

Given the recent issues between India and China over land grabbing, India needs to firm up its policies towards all its neighboring nations, especially Tibet.  Nations often declare treaties to be moot, and it is time for India to declare that it will no longer recognize the Panchsheel Treaty of 1954 to be valid.  India has no choice but to rescind its reluctant recognition of Tibet as a part of China, and formally re-recognize Tibet as a sovereign nation.

1.      Art: Phauzdar, 2010  (
2.      Deb-snon and Mkhas-pahi-dgah-ston
3.      Tibet: A Political History by Tsepon W.D. Shakabpa,Yale University Press,
4.      New Haven and London. 1967. p.5.
5.      India Tibet Policy, L.L. Mehrotra, 2000
7.      Memoranda and Letters Exchanged and Agreements signed by the Governments of India and China, Vol. 2, 1959 p. 39.
8.      Red star over China, New York edition. 1961. p. 214.
9.      Tibet - A Source Book - edited by Dr. Anand Kumar, New Delhi, 1994.p.55.

iDR: Indian Defense Review

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Making Takshila
in California

A tale of revealing corruption, collusion, and abuse of power by the State of California

Ryan Baidya, Ph.D., MBA

Link to download the Book:


Making Takshila in California is an account of my journey to make a Takshila in California.  It is a tale of revealing corruption, collusion, and abuse of power by the State of California.  The Bureau for Private Post Secondary Education (BPPE), and Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) of California engaged in abusive and unconstitutional activities.

Takshila: One of the best performing innovative start-up institutions that produced and trained high-tech professionals successfully.  Silicon Valley and rest of the country happily employed them.  Now, Takshila is in Limbo. CTU has been bullied, threatened and subjected to injustice, prejudice, and discrimination. CTU and my constitutional rights were violated.

And the question is WHY?

This WHY will take all of us to the land where state Assembly members, state Senators, the U.S. Congressman, and some media do not want to go. But, we live in an age-of-truth-prevails faster than one can imagine. Thus, I am here to open the chapter that sheds light on some of the state regulator's corruptions, collusion, fabrications that culminated in the spoliation of evidence, lying under oath, and disobedience to civil laws and regulations. When all is said and done, you will be surprised or you may have a hard time believing that your tax money is being used for the salaries of the people who are involved in such heinous activities.

We accidentally questioned BPPE, DCA and California Attorney General (both Kamala Harris and Xavier Becerra). We (unintentionally) flashed light on the wrongdoing of the system. That did not go very well. We were, thus, systematically bullied, threatened, discriminated against and violated of our constitutional rights.

During the process of satisfying the abuses, we would end-up uncovering the darts that must not be uncovered. Hence our path with BPPE became treacherous.  This book is an account for that.  We are not a unique situation.   There are over several hundred may be near thousands of California institutions have a similar story to tell.
Someone needs to ASK.

About the Author   

I have 25+ years of experience in executive roles in academic and industry.  I worked and/or taught at various university programs.  I taught at the University of California, Santa Cruz, and the University of California Berkeley extension program, National Singapore University, International Technology University, Herguan University, and California Takshila University.  All these universities are authorized institutions.
I gave numerous lectures and training on entrepreneurship, management, and high-tech business topics at conferences, primarily in the USA, and Japan and served as a Thought Leader at Frost & Sullivan Executive Summits.  I authored books, articles, patents, and commentaries.
I received my MBA at the San Jose State University (SJSU); a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) in Science at the University of California, Santa Cruz (UCSC); and a Master's Degree from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur.  As a fellow of the Damon Runyon Walter-Winchell Foundation, I conducted research for four years at the University of Colorado, Boulder.

I enjoy learning and sharing knowledge and wisdom.  I have an immense appetite for history, specifically history of human civilization - Itihasam - "this happened exactly this way".  I am a Takshila.

* 'Truth stands Invincible'

*Truth alone triumphs'

*Truth alone conquers, not falsehood'

*'The truth prevails, not the untrue'

*Truth alone conquers, not untruth'


I want Justice

 CTU Students want Justice

California Citizens want Justice

Thank you

Link to download the Book:

 Making Takshila
in California

Full Book


CH I:  The Genesis of Takshila University in California

CH II: Purpose of Education

CH III: I am Takshila:  CTU learning transforms its pupils to Takshila

CH IV:  Takshila in California

CH V:  Abuse of Power

CH VI: A treacherous Saga

CH VII:  BPPE Serves Illegal Shut-down order

CH VIII: A Farce Ploy

CH IX:  Outlaw the Law: California Government Agencies and Legal System

CH X:  Kamala D. Harris and BPPE:  Wrongful SOIs

CH XI:  SOI Hearing Part -II: Rigor isn't a minimum requirement

CH XII:  A Comprehensive review of CTU's MSCS Program

CH XIII:  MSCS in California

CH XIV:  Accreditation and others

CH XV:  The Last Words:

1.      Supplement A: 
Abstract, Making Takshila in California

2.      Supplement B:
Abuse of Power

3.      Supplement C:
DCA Defrauded the USA Department of Education

4.      Supplement D:
California Government Agencies and Legal System made Law the Outlaw

5.      Supplement E: 
DCA Approved Schools after the Sunset of BPPVE

6.      Supplement F:
List of DCA Approved published and was available on DCA-website until December 31, 2009.

7.      Supplement G::
DCA and BPPE lied under oath and misrepresented on formal legal documents

8.      Supplement H:
DCA Approved schools after BPPVE sunset , confirmed my DCA Lawyer under FOIA request.

9.      Supplement I:
USA Department of Education has been notified of CA DCA/BPPE's improprieties.

10.  Supplement J:
Hon. Deputy Asst. Secretary of the USA Department of Education acknowledged of notification of CA DCA/BPPE's improprieties.

11.  Supplement K:
DCA and BPPE discriminated CTU

12.  Supplement L:
CTU met and exceeded BPPE's Statement of Issues (though frivolous)

13.  Supplement M:
BPPE's minimum requirements for MSCS degree (CTU met and exceeded)

14.  Supplement N:
CTU's Performance

15.  Supplement O:
CTU's records, performance and standing relative to 23 MSCS programs (state and Private) in California

16.  Supplement P:
A comparative study of MSCS programs in California

17.  Supplement Q:
Letter to DCA Deputy Director, Mr. Ryan Marcroft, brought to his attention perjury evidence and improprieties within BPPE and beyond

18.  Supplement R:
A Media Article - abuse of power and corruption

19.  Supplement S:
FOIA: BPPE deleted 500 schools from the DCA Approved list

20.  Supplement R:
Federal Funding to the State higher Education (by State) Year 2001-2008

21.  Supplement T:
Federal Funding to the State higher Education (by State) for the Year 2009

22.  Supplement U:
Federal Funding to the State higher Education (by program) Year 2009

23.  Supplement V:
Federal Funding to the State higher Education (by the PEW Charitable Trusts)

1.      Appendix IV.A: 
Writings of Richard M. Weaver, Professor of Chicago University, 1959

2.      Appendix V.A:
Title IV Funding (January 23, 2007 Letter to DCA Director Rosario Marin

3.      Appendix V.B:
California Department Consumer Affairs (DCA) Historically Housed Corrupt Leadership:

4.      Appendix VI.A:
Chronological Events:  California Takshila University and BPPE/DCA

5.      Appendix IX.A: 
The Decision is based on Clear Error, and the Findings are Not Supported by the Evidence.

6.      Appendix XI.A-D:
BPPE cooked up review report to fit its narrative

7.      Appendix XI.E:
Matrix of comparison of core courses

8.      Appendix XII.A:
A Few Opinions on CTU's MSCS Program

9.      Appendix XIV.A:
CTU's Accreditation Attempts were hindered

10.  Appendix XIV.B:
WASC:  Pending Visit Projections for Institutions Seeking Eligibility or Deemed Eligible and Seeking Candidacy or Initial Accreditation